Using REPLACE function in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The REPLACE function in MySQL is a versatile tool that allows for string replacement operations directly within your database queries. If you’ve ever needed to update parts of a string in a MySQL database table, understanding the REPLACE function is essential. This guide will take you through the basics of using the REPLACE function, as well as dive into more complex applications with practical examples.

Getting Started with REPLACE

The syntax for the REPLACE function is quite straightforward:

REPLACE(str, from_str, to_str)

Where str is the original string, from_str is the substring to be replaced, and to_str is the replacement string.

Let’s look at a simple example:

SELECT REPLACE('Hello World', 'World', 'MySQL');

The output will be:

Hello MySQL

In this basic example, we can see how ‘World’ is replaced by ‘MySQL’ in the string ‘Hello World’.

Replacing Values in a Table

More commonly, you will use REPLACE to change values in a table. Let’s say we have a table called products with a column product_description and we want to replace all occurrences of the word ‘old’ with ‘new’.

UPDATE products
SET product_description = REPLACE(product_description, 'old', 'new')
WHERE product_description LIKE '%old%';

By adding the WHERE clause, we ensure that only the rows containing the word ‘old’ are updated.

Handling Special Characters

When working with special characters, the REPLACE function still behaves predictably. If you want to replace a comma with a semicolon, your query might look like this:

SELECT REPLACE('Apple, Banana, Cherry', ',', ';');

After running the query, you would get the output ‘Apple; Banana; Cherry’.

Working with NULL Values

What if you try to replace a value with NULL or vice versa? MySQL treats NULL as the absence of a value, so any concatenation with NULL results in NULL. However, REPLACEMENT with NULL effectively deletes the substring.

SELECT REPLACE('Null example', 'example', NULL);

This SELECT statement would yield ‘Null ‘ as output.

Advanced Usage: Nested REPLACE

For multiple replacements in a single query, you can nest REPLACE functions:

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('One, Two, and Three', 'One', '1st'), 'Two', '2nd');

This will sequentially replace ‘One’ with ‘1st’, and ‘Two’ with ‘2nd’, resulting in ‘1st, 2nd, and Three’.

For readability and maintenance, you might want to avoid deeply nested REPLACE functions and consider other approaches, such as using stored procedures or functions.

Case Sensitivity

REPLACE is case-sensitive in MySQL. If you use the following query, nothing will be replaced because the case doesn’t match:

SELECT REPLACE('Case Sensitive', 'case', 'test');

The output remains ‘Case Sensitive’. For case-insensitive replacements, it is common practice to use LOWER() or UPPER() functions alongside REPLACE.

Replace Versus Regular Expressions

In scenarios where you require pattern matching or complex string manipulation, regular expression functions might be a better fit. MySQL 8 provides REGEXP_REPLACE() for this purpose.

Imagine you have a table named comments with a column comment_text, and you want to anonymize email addresses in this text. Here’s how you might do that:

    -- Anonymizing email addresses in the comment text
    REGEXP_REPLACE(comment_text, '[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}', '***@***.***') AS anonymized_text

In this example, REGEXP_REPLACE searches for patterns that look like email addresses in comment_text and replaces them with '***@***.***' to anonymize them. The regex pattern [A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,} is a simple pattern to match standard email addresses.

Finally, use REPLACE with caution, as it might unintentionally replace substrings. Always back up your data before a bulk replace operation.


In this guide, we explored various practical examples demonstrating the REPLACE function’s usage in MySQL. From basic string replacements to more advanced scenarios involving tables and case sensitivity, it’s a robust and handy tool for any MySQL user. Remember to use it thoughtfully to ensure data integrity.