Using REVERSE function in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The REVERSE function in MySQL is a simple yet powerful string function that, as the name suggests, reverses any given string. This can be particularly useful for data transformations, problem-solving, and even when creating unique identifiers by reversing numbers or strings. In this guide, we will explore the REVERSE function in MySQL 8, providing a clear understanding of its use through progressively complex examples.

Basic Examples of REVERSE Function

Let’s start with the basic syntax of the REVERSE function:


In its simplest form, this function takes a single argument, which is the string you want to reverse. Let’s see it in action:

SELECT REVERSE('hello world');


dlrow olleh

This query will return the reverse of ‘hello world’, which is ‘dlrow olleh’. Now, let’s see how it works with numbers:




Even though 123456 is a number, MySQL automatically converts it into a string and then reverses it.

Working with Data Storage

Now, consider that you have a table named users with a column called username:

  username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('john_doe'), ('jane_doe');

You can reverse the usernames directly in your SELECT statement:

SELECT id, REVERSE(username) AS reversed_username FROM users;


1eo d_nhoj
2eo d_enaj

Advanced Usage of REVERSE

Combining REVERSE with other functions can make it even more powerful. For example, you could use it to find palindromes:

SELECT word FROM words_table WHERE word = REVERSE(word);

This will return all palindromic words from words_table.

It can also be useful in updating data. Consider a scenario where you need to append a reversed version of a username to the username itself:

UPDATE users SET username = CONCAT(username, '_', REVERSE(username));

Caution: Be careful when updating existing data as the above operation is not reversible without storing the original data first.

Dealing with NULL Values

The REVERSE function behaves predictably with NULL values. If you attempt to reverse a NULL value, the result will also be NULL:




However, if you are concatenating strings with potential NULL values before reversing them, use the COALESCE function to handle NULLs:

SELECT REVERSE(COALESCE(username, '')) FROM users;

This will return an empty string for any NULL username fields instead of a NULL result.

Performance Considerations

The REVERSE function is generally fast, but when working with large datasets or complex queries, performance might be a concern. Always ensure your data is indexed appropriately and consider the load on the server before running massive update operations with REVERSE.


In this guide, we’ve explored the REVERSE function in MySQL 8 with basic to advanced examples. Whether you’re dealing with strings, requiring clever data manipulation, or assessing palindromes, the REVERSE function can be an invaluable tool in your SQL toolkit.