Using SciPy show_config() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The SciPy library in Python is an open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It builds on the NumPy array object and is part of the broader ecosystem of scientific computing in Python. Understanding the configuration of SciPy, especially in complex environments or when working with different versions or dependencies, can be crucial. The show_config() function in SciPy is a tool designed to provide this insight, presenting details about the build and linkage information of the SciPy package being used. This article guides you through the utilization of the show_config() function with four progressively advanced examples.

Using show_config() in Practice

Before delving into the examples, let’s cover the basics. The show_config() function displays the configuration information of the SciPy installation, including version numbers and information about libraries to which SciPy is linked. This can be particularly useful for troubleshooting, ensuring compatibility, and optimizing performance.

Example 1: Basic Usage

import scipy

This is the simplest way to invoke the show_config() function. Upon execution, you’ll see a listing of the configuration details of your SciPy installation. The output provides insights into which libraries and versions are being utilized, potentially aiding in debugging or in making sure the correct versions of dependencies are being used.

Example 2: Detailed Component Configuration

from scipy import linalg

# Show configuration for the LAPACK library used by SciPy

This example focuses on a specific component of SciPy – the Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK). By using the linalg.show_config() method, you can acquire detailed information about the LAPACK library configurations. This is useful for optimizing linear algebra operations or understanding performance characteristics.

Example 3: Environment Comparison

When working across different environments (e.g., development, testing, production), comparing configurations can reveal discrepancies that might lead to performance issues or bugs. The following script assumes you have access to the environments you wish to compare:

import scipy
import json

# Assuming we're gathering configs from different environments
environments = ['development', 'testing', 'production']
configurations = {}

for env in environments:
    # Gather configuration in a structured way
    config =
    configurations[env] = json.loads(config)

# Now, configurations can be easily compared
print(json.dumps(configurations, indent=4))

Note that does not directly return JSON, so some adaptation might be necessary to parse the output accordingly in a real-world scenario.

Example 4: Advanced Use Case – Benchmarking

For those looking to optimize or benchmark SciPy performance for specific tasks, understanding how different configurations impact performance can be valuable. This could involve changing compilers, using different versions of dependencies, or toggling optimization flags. Consider this pseudo-code as a starting point for setting up a benchmarking suite:

# Pseudocode for benchmarking different SciPy configurations

# Define your benchmarking tasks
benchmarks = [...]

for benchmark in benchmarks:
    results = {}
    for config in possible_configurations:
        # Assume we have a way to dynamically apply configurations
        # Run benchmark
        result = run_benchmark(benchmark)
        results[config] = result

    # Compare results

This advanced example sketches out how one might set up experiments to understand the impact of different SciPy configurations on computational tasks. The approach requires setting up a controlled environment where different configurations can be tested and measured against specific benchmarks.


The show_config() function in SciPy is a valuable tool for gaining insights into the library’s setup, aiding in troubleshooting, ensuring compatibility, and optimizing performance. From simple queries to detailed analysis for specific components and benchmarks, understanding how to use this function can significantly contribute to a smoother scientific computing experience. The examples provided here scaffold from basic usage to more advanced scenarios, reflecting a journey towards deeper integration and optimization of the SciPy ecosystem in any project.