Using SciPy’s io.hb_read() function (3 examples)

Updated: March 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The SciPy library is a pivotal tool in the arsenal of a scientific programmer, enabling a wide array of mathematical and scientific computing functionalities. Among its comprehensive IO (Input/Output) module, the hb_read() function stands out for its specific utility in reading Harwell-Boeing files, a common format for storing sparse matrices. This guide aims to demystify the hb_read() function, showcasing its versatility through three progressive examples.

Understanding SciPy’s hb_read() Function

The hb_read() function is part of SciPy’s io module, designed to read sparse matrices from files in the Harwell-Boeing format. This format is a standard in scientific computing for efficiently storing and exchanging sparse matrices, which are matrices predominantly filled with zeros. The hb_read() function thus allows for the effective management and utilization of sparse matrices within Python’s ecosystem.

Getting Started with hb_read()

To use the hb_read() function, you must first import the necessary module from SciPy. Ensure SciPy is installed in your Python environment, then import the io module as follows:

from scipy import io

With the module imported, you are ready to proceed to our first example.

Example 1: Basic Usage of hb_read()

In this first example, we’ll demonstrate how to read a simple Harwell-Boeing file and explore its contents.

# Example Harwell-Boeing file name
filename = 'example1.hb'

# Reading the sparse matrix
sparse_matrix = io.hb_read(filename)

# Displaying the matrix

This code reads a Harwell-Boeing file named example1.hb and prints the resulting sparse matrix. The output would be a SciPy sparse matrix object, illustrating the file’s matrix data.

Example 2: Working with Matrix Data

Building on our initial exploration, this example delves deeper into manipulating the matrix data obtained from the hb_read() function.

# Continuing from Example 1

# Converting to a dense matrix
dense_matrix = sparse_matrix.todense()

# Performing operations
sum_matrix = dense_matrix + dense_matrix

# Displaying the result

Here, we convert the sparse matrix into a dense matrix format to perform arithmetic operations easily, in this case, doubling each element by adding the matrix to itself. The output demonstrates the versatility in handling data once it’s read from the file.

Example 3: Advanced Data Manipulation and Visualization

The final example showcases the integration of hb_read() with advanced data manipulation and visualization techniques, underscores the power of combining SciPy with other libraries within the Python data ecosystem.

# Additional imports
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Visualization of non-zero matrix entries
coords = np.where(sparse_matrix.toarray() != 0)
plt.scatter(coords[0], coords[1])
plt.title('Non-Zero Entries of the Sparse Matrix')
plt.xlabel('Row Index')
plt.ylabel('Column Index')

In this example, we convert the sparse matrix to an array, identify the non-zero entries, and then visualize these points using matplotlib. This not only provides a graphical representation of the sparse matrix’s structure but also illustrates how sparse matrices can be analyzed and visualized for more profound insights.


The hb_read() function in SciPy’s io module stands as a critical tool for working with Harwell-Boeing files, offering a streamlined approach to managing sparse matrices in Python. Through these examples, from basic usage to advanced data manipulation and visualization, we’ve scratched the surface of the potential applications of the hb_read() function. As you become more familiar with its workings, you’ll find it an indispensable asset in your scientific computing toolbox.