Using SELECT Statement in MySQL 8: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The SELECT statement is the backbone of data retrieval in any SQL-powered database system. MySQL, as one of the most popular relational database management systems, uses the SELECT statement for querying data from the database. This guide covers how to use the SELECT statement in MySQL 8, providing you with the foundational knowledge necessary for exploiting its full potential.

Basic SELECT Statement

At its simplest, the SELECT statement allows you to retrieve all records from a single table.

SELECT * FROM your_table_name;


(List of all the rows from the selected table)

This will display every column for every row in the table ‘your_table_name’. It’s the SQL equivalent of saying, “Show me everything in ‘your_table_name’.”

Selecting Specific Columns

Rather than retrieving every column, you can specify only those you’re interested in:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM your_table_name;


(Shows values in column1 and column2)

Filtering Results with WHERE

The power of SELECT increases with the WHERE clause, which lets you filter records:

SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE id = 1;


(Shows values where id is 1)


To sort the output of a SELECT statement, you can use an ORDER BY clause:

SELECT * FROM your_table_name ORDER BY column1 ASC;


(Shows rows sorted by column1 in ascending order)

Limiting Results with LIMIT

When you have a large dataset, you might want to limit the results returned:

SELECT * FROM your_table_name LIMIT 5;


(Shows first 5 rows of your_table_name)

Combining Multiple Conditions with AND, OR

Use AND and OR to combine multiple conditions:

SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE column1 = 'value1' AND column2 = 'value2';

SELECT statements with OR:

SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE column1 = 'value1' OR column1 = 'value2';

Using Functions in SELECT

MySQL provides functions that you can use within the SELECT statement:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_table_name;


(Number of rows in your_table_name)

Other functions, like CONCAT, UPPER, and LOWER, allow string manipulations:

SELECT CONCAT(column1, ' ', column2) AS full_name FROM your_table_name;


While GROUP BY groups rows that have the same values in specific columns, HAVING can be used to filter which groups to include in the result.

SELECT column1, COUNT(column2) FROM your_table_name GROUP BY column1 HAVING COUNT(column2) > 1;

Joining Tables

A power of SQL lies in joining tables. Here is an example of an INNER JOIN, which selects all rows with matching values in both tables:

SELECT a.column1, b.column2 FROM tableA a INNER JOIN tableB b ON =;


To eliminate duplicate records, you can use the DISTINCT keyword:

SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM your_table_name;

Complex Queries – Subqueries

A subquery or inner query, is a query within another SQL query and embedded within the WHERE or HAVING clause.

SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM another_table WHERE condition);

MySQL 8 Features

MySQL 8 has introduced features, like window functions and CTEs (WITH clause), which allow for more complex operations and readability.

WITH RankedSales AS (
  SELECT column, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY column DESC) sales_rank FROM table_name
SELECT * FROM RankedSales WHERE sales_rank = 1;


Efficient use of the SELECT statement is vital for any database professional or enthusiast working with MySQL 8. By understanding the basics and exploring advanced techniques, you can build powerful queries to extract data as needed. With practice, deciphering and writing these queries becomes second nature, and your data retrieval tasks become a breeze.