Using Symfony CLI: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Symfony is a set of PHP components and a web application framework that is well known for its speed, flexibility, and reusable components. One of the essential tools provided by Symfony is the Symfony Console component which allows developers to create command-line commands. This can simplify many recurring tasks like migration execution, cron jobs, or even setting permissions. Along with that, the Symfony team has introduced a tool to enhance the developer’s experience working with Symfony applications: the Symfony CLI. This powerful tool aims to manage Symfony applications and streamline development workflows.

In this guide, we will dive into the Symfony CLI, exploring its capabilities and how it can be integrated into your development process. Whether you are new to Symfony or looking to enhance your skills, this article will provide you with the knowledge to make the most out of the Symfony command-line interface.

Getting Started with Symfony CLI

The Symfony CLI is a zero-configuration utility that automates many aspects of a Symfony application. It provides commands for project creation, server management, cloud integration, and more. Before we proceed, let’s make sure we have the Symfony CLI installed.

$ wget -O - | bash

Once installed, you can access the CLI by typing symfony into your terminal. To see a list of available commands, use:

$ symfony list

Project Setup

Starting a new Symfony project is made easy with the Symfony CLI. To create a new Symfony project, use the following command:

$ symfony new my_project_directory

This command will create a new project in a directory called my_project_directory. Symfony CLI will take time to download all the required dependencies and create the basic directory structure for your new project.

Local Web Server

The Symfony local web server is a powerful tool that you can use for development. Instead of setting up Apache or Nginx, you can start a local web server by running:

$ symfony server:start

Your Symfony application will be accessible at by default. The server will remain in the foreground until you stop it with CTRL+C. To run the server in the background, add the --daemon flag:

$ symfony server:start --daemon

Environment Management

One of the CLI’s strong suits is its ability to manage environment variables. Symfony relies heavily on environment variables for its configuration, and the CLI provides a straightforward way to set these variables for your projects. To set an environment variable, use:

$ symfony var:set DATABASE_URL="mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydb"

This sets the DATABASE_URL environment variable, which Symfony uses to connect to your database.

Database Management

Symfony CLI provides an interface to interact with the database associated with your Symfony application. You can create and manage your databases much easier than having to remember specific commands for each database type. To create a new database, run:

$ symfony console doctrine:database:create

This command calls the Symfony console’s Doctrine bundle to create a new database. It’s worth noting that the connection information is pulled from the DATABASE_URL environment variable we set earlier.

Debugging and Profiling

Debugging is an essential part of the development process. The Symfony CLI integrates with the Symfony web profiler to provide detailed information about each request. To open the profiler, use:

$ symfony open:local:web-profiler

This will open the web profiler in your default web browser. It contains detailed info about performance, database queries, mails, API calls, and many more aspects of your application.

Cloud Integration

The Symfony binary also assists with cloud deployment. It has first-class support for SymfonyCloud, but you can integrate it with any other platform-as-a-service provider. By linking your project to SymfonyCloud, you can deploy with simple commands:

$ symfony cloud:deploy

This command will push your code to the cloud and handle the deployment process. You can also manage your environments and services associated with your project. It makes deploying your applications as smooth as possible, directly from the command line.


The Symfony CLI is a substantial productivity booster. With capabilities ranging from project creation to application deployment, the CLI is much more than a traditional console. It becomes an integrated part of your Symfony application. As we have seen, Symfony CLI simplifies project management, debugging, server control and offers seamless cloud deployment mechanisms.

Whether you’re starting a new project or maintaining an existing one, understanding and utilizing the Symfony CLI will give you a distinct advantage. With a plethora of commands at your disposal, you can automate routine tasks and focus on writing the amazing code that lies at the heart of your application.

Remember, this guide is just the start. The more you work with Symfony CLI, the more you’ll discover. Don’t hesitate to look into the official documentation and explore the extensive array of options that Symfony CLI has on offer. Welcome to efficient and enjoyable Symfony development!