Using Terraform ‘state list’ command to list resources

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Terraform stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness in managing and provisioning infrastructure across a wide range of service providers. One of its powerful features is the ability to inspect the current state of your infrastructure as detailed in the state file. This is particularly useful for understanding the resources under Terraform’s management, debugging, and documentation purposes. In this tutorial, we will delve into the terraform state list command, which provides you with a concise overview of all resources managed by Terraform within a specific state file.

Understanding Terraform State

Before we dive into the state list command, it’s crucial to understand what the Terraform state is. The state file, typically named terraform.tfstate, is a JSON-formatted document that records metadata and tracks the current properties of your infrastructure. This allows Terraform to map real-world resources to your configuration, track metadata, and improve performance for large infrastructures.

Basic Usage of the state list Command

To begin, ensure you have Terraform installed and initialized in your project directory. The basic syntax of the state list command is as follows:

terraform state list

This will output a list of all the resources managed by Terraform in your current state file. For example:


This output shows that Terraform is currently managing an AWS EC2 instance and an S3 bucket.

Navigating Through Resources with Filters

The state list command also allows for filtering the resources listed based on their type or name, using a simple pattern matching syntax.

terraform state list aws_instance.*

This command filters the list to only show resources of type AWS EC2 instances:


Detailed Inspection with state show

Alongside state list, Terraform provides the state show command for deeper inspection of a specific resource. This can be particularly useful for obtaining detailed information about a resource’s configuration and status.

Advanced Filtering

For more advanced use cases, you can combine the state list command with tools like grep or jq for more complex filtering, such as finding resources by attributes within their state. This requires a good understanding of the JSON structure of the Terraform state file.

terraform state list | grep "aws_instance"

This presents a more advanced way of filtering resources, allowing for versatile management of large infrastructures.

Working with Multiple State Files

In complex Terraform environments, you might find yourself dealing with multiple state files. The state list command can be directed at a specific state file using the -state option:

terraform state list -state=path/to/specific/terraform.tfstate

This is essential for managing multiple environments (such as development, staging, and production) or for splitting your infrastructure into more manageable pieces.

Automating with Terraform State Commands

The functionality of Terraform’s state commands can be extended through automation. By integrating state list and other state commands into scripts, you can automate the monitoring, documentation, and even policy enforcement of your infrastructure’s state.


The terraform state list command is a fundamental tool for any Terraform user. It provides a straightforward yet powerful way to inspect and interact with the resources Terraform manages. Mastering this command and its complementary options opens up new possibilities for efficient infrastructure management and monitoring.