Using the POSITION function in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The POSITION function in PostgreSQL is a powerful string function used to locate the position of a specified substring within a given string. Understanding and using the POSITION function is essential for developers and database administrators who manipulate and analyze text data in PostgreSQL databases.

History of the POSITION function

The POSITION function has been part of the SQL standard for many years and is available in PostgreSQL as well as other SQL-compliant database systems. It has been a feature of PostgreSQL for as long as its standards have supported it, which predates the knowledge cutoff date for this response.

Purpose of the POSITION function

The main objective of the POSITION function is to determine the location of a substring within a string. This is particularly useful for text processing tasks such as searching, sorting, and data validation.

Syntax, Parameters, and Return Value


POSITION(substring IN string)


  • substring: The string whose position is to be searched within the main string.
  • string: The main string within which the search is to be performed.

Return value: An integer indicating the position of the first occurrence of the substring within the string, starting from 1. If the substring is not found, the function returns 0.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Finding the Position of a Substring

This example demonstrates how to use the POSITION function to find the position of one string within another string.

In order to retrieve the position index of ‘cat’ within the string ‘The black cat jumped over the lazy dog.’, we can utilize the POSITION function as illustrated below.

-- Code snippet to find the position of 'cat' within a given string
SELECT POSITION('cat' IN 'The black cat jumped over the lazy dog.') AS position_index;

Example 2: Using POSITION in a WHERE clause

We can use the POSITION function within a WHERE clause to filter rows based on the presence of a substring.

Assuming we have a table named ‘articles’ with a ‘content’ column, we might want to find all articles that contain the keyword ‘PostgreSQL’. The following query demonstrates this usage.

-- Assume we have a table 'articles' with a column 'content'
-- This query finds all articles that contain the word 'PostgreSQL'
FROM articles
WHERE POSITION('PostgreSQL' IN content) > 0;

Example 3: Checking for the Absence of a Substring

The POSITION function can also be used to check if a substring does not exist within a string.

To ensure that the string ‘error’ does not appear in the ‘messages’ column of a ‘log_entries’ table, we can write a query as follows.

-- Query to find log entries without the substring 'error'
FROM log_entries
WHERE POSITION('error' IN messages) = 0;


The POSITION function in PostgreSQL is a versatile tool that facilitates string manipulation by identifying the presence and location of substrings within a larger text. Whether for data cleaning, analysis, or simple searches, POSITION is integral for quick and efficient PostgreSQL text processing. The simplicity of its syntax, coupled with its clear and precise return values, makes it user-friendly for newcomers and experienced users alike. With the examples provided, you should have a good starting point for using the POSITION function in your own PostgreSQL projects.