Using TO_TIMESTAMP Function in PostgreSQL: A Complete Guide

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


TO_TIMESTAMP function in PostgreSQL is a powerful utility that allows developers to convert string data into timestamp values. This function provides a way to interpret character string data, which represents date and time, into a formatted timestamp according to the specified format. Understanding how to use the TO_TIMESTAMP function is fundamental for developers who need to work with date and time data in PostgreSQL, ensuring that data is accurately stored and queried according to temporal constraints.


The TO_TIMESTAMP function was introduced in PostgreSQL to support the conversion of string data into standardized timestamp format, adhering to the SQL standard. Its inclusion in PostgreSQL dates back to earlier versions of the database system, continuing to exist in the system today due to its utility in managing and converting date and time data.


The primary purpose of the TO_TIMESTAMP function is to convert a string value that represents a date and time, into an actual timestamp. This is incredibly useful when importing data from various sources that may contain date and time information in human-readable form, and you need to store this information in a consistent, standardized timestamp format in your PostgreSQL database.

Syntax and Parameters

The basic syntax of the TO_TIMESTAMP function is as follows:

TO_TIMESTAMP(text, text)

It accepts two text parameters:

  1. The first argument is the string representing the date and time you wish to convert.
  2. The second argument is the format specification that defines how to interpret the elements of the date/time string.

The function returns a timestamp with a time zone.

Code Examples

Example 1: Basic Usage

The following example demonstrates how to convert a simple date and time string to a timestamp with a specified format.

Assume you have a string ‘2022-01-15 18:30:00’ and you want to convert it to a timestamp:

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('2022-01-15 18:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');

Example 2: Handling Different Formats

This example illustrates how TO_TIMESTAMP function can handle different string formats to return a timestamp.

Some dates may come in a format like ’15-Jan-2022′, which is quite different from the ISO standard:

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('15-Jan-2022', 'DD-Mon-YYYY');

Example 3: Using with Table Data

This example shows how TO_TIMESTAMP can be used to convert string columns to timestamps during a SELECT query.

Imagine you have a table ‘events’ with a column ‘event_date’ in text format. You can covert it like this:

SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(event_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') FROM events;


The TO_TIMESTAMP function in PostgreSQL is crucial for developers working with date and time, making the conversion between string representations and timestamp formats seamless. Mastery of this function unlocks more precise and correct handling of temporal data within applications, ensuring that dates and times are not just strings, but meaningful representations of points in time. Furthermore, consistent use of this function significantly aids in data importation, reporting, and temporal data manipulation tasks within PostgreSQL.