Using ufunc.outer() method in NumPy (5 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of data analysis, mathematical operations on arrays become a routine task. NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python, offers an extensive range of methods to execute these operations efficiently. One such powerful tool in NumPy’s arsenal is the ufunc.outer() method. This tutorial aims to dive deep into the utilization of this method, showcased through five progressively detailed examples.

What is ufunc.outer()?

Universal functions, or ufuncs, are a key concept in NumPy that allow for fast, element-wise operations on arrays. The outer() method, specifically, computes the outer product of two arrays, meaning for each element in the first array, the method applies the operation to every element in the second array. This can be extremely handy for operations like multiplication tables, Cartesian products, and more advanced applications in data analysis and machine learning.


ufunc.outer(A, B, **kwargs)


  • A, B: Input arrays. These are the two arrays for which the outer operation is to be computed. The function is applied to every pair of elements from A and B.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the ufunc. These can include:
    • out: An array in which to place the output. This array must have a shape that can accommodate the output.
    • dtype: Specifies the data type of the output array. This is useful for controlling the precision and storage requirements of the computation.
    • Other arguments specific to the ufunc being used.


  • output: An array containing the result of applying the ufunc to each pair of elements from A and B. The shape of the output array is the concatenation of the shapes of A and B.

Example 1: Basic Multiplication Table

import numpy as np

# Define two arrays
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([4, 5, 6])

# Perform outer multiplication
result = np.multiply.outer(a, b)

# Print the result


[[ 4  5  6]
 [ 8 10 12]
 [12 15 18]]

This straightforward example demonstrates how easily you can generate a multiplication table between two arrays, showcasing the primary utility of the outer() method.

Example 2: Creating a Cartesian Product

import numpy as np

# Define two 1D arrays
x = np.array([1, 2])
y = np.array([3, 4, 5])

# Use add.outer() to simulate a Cartesian product
product = np.add.outer(x, y)

# Print the Cartesian product


[[4 5 6]
 [5 6 7]]

This example illustrates how add.outer() can be used to simulate calculating the Cartesian product of two sets, providing a base for more complex operations.

Example 3: Advanced Broadcasting with Shapes

import numpy as np

# Define an array and a range
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])
range_arr = np.arange(3)

# Perform an outer subtraction, then reshape
outer_subtract = np.subtract.outer(arr, range_arr).reshape(3,3,1)

# Print the reshaped outer operation


[[[ 1]
  [ 0]

 [[ 2]
  [ 1]
  [ 0]]

 [[ 3]
  [ 2]
  [ 1]]]

This example takes a step further by introducing the reshaping of the result into a 3D array. Such manipulations are common in more sophisticated data analysis tasks, offering insights into the flexibility of using outer() with numpy’s broadcasting rules.

Example 4: Using Outer to Calculate Distances

import numpy as np

# Create two sets of coordinates
points_a = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 2]])
points_b = np.array([[2, 3], [4, 5]])

# Calculate Euclidean distances using outer and np.linalg.norm
distances = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract.outer(points_a, points_b), axis=-1)

# Print the calculated distances


[[[3.60555128 6.40312424]
  [3.60555128 6.40312424]]

 [[2.23606798 5.        ]
  [1.         3.60555128]]]

This example illustrates the computation of Euclidean distances between points in two arrays. By using np.subtract.outer() combined with np.linalg.norm, we can calculate the distances in a highly efficient manner. This usage exemplifies the method’s versatility beyond simple arithmetic operations.

Example 5: Matrix Operations and Beyond

import numpy as np

# Create an identity matrix and a vector
identity_matrix = np.eye(3)
vector = np.array([1, 2, 3])

# Outer product to calculate a dyadic product
dyadic_product = np.multiply.outer(vector, vector)

# Display the result


[[1 2 3]
 [2 4 6]
 [3 6 9]]

Here, an identity matrix interacts with a vector to form a dyadic product through the outer multiplication method. It shows how ufunc.outer() can be extended to perform complex matrix operations, revealing its substantial potential in linear algebra and related fields.


The ufunc.outer() method in NumPy is a versatile tool for array operations, handling everything from basic arithmetic to complex data analysis tasks. Through the examples provided, we’ve seen its power and flexibility, making it an invaluable asset in the repertoire of data scientists and analysts. Regardless of the complexity of your data manipulation needs, ufunc.outer() provides an efficient, elegant solution.