Using UPPER and LOWER functions in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases, especially when dealing with textual data, there may be instances where you need to manipulate the case of strings for various purposes such as sorting, displaying, or ensuring data consistency. In MySQL, two common string functions for changing the character case are UPPER() and LOWER(). This tutorial will guide you through the usage of these functions in MySQL 8, including practical examples from basic to advanced levels. By the end, you will be comfortable using these functions in your database queries.

Basic Syntax

The syntax for UPPER() and LOWER() functions in MySQL is straightforward:

SELECT UPPER(text_column) FROM table_name;
SELECT LOWER(text_column) FROM table_name;

Where text_column is the name of the column containing text data that you want to convert to upper or lower case, respectively.

Using the UPPER() Function

The UPPER() function in MySQL converts all the letters in a given string to uppercase. This is particularly useful when you want to display data in a consistent format or compare strings case-insensitively. Here is a basic example:

SELECT UPPER('hello world') AS uppercase_text;
-- Output: 'HELLO WORLD'

When you run this query in your MySQL environment, it will return HELLO WORLD, which is the uppercase version of the input string.

Using the LOWER() Function

Conversely, the LOWER() function converts all the letters in a string to lowercase. This can help ensure that user-input data is stored in a standardized format. Below is a basic usage example:

SELECT LOWER('HELLO WORLD') AS lowercase_text;
-- Output: 'hello world'

The result is hello world, the lowercase equivalent of the given string.

Practical Examples in Database Context

Matching User Input

Imagine you have a users table with a username column, and you want to perform a case-insensitive search for a user’s name. If you’re not sure about the case of the username stored in the database, you can use LOWER() or UPPER() to normalize the data for comparison:

SELECT username FROM users WHERE LOWER(username) = LOWER('JohnDoe');
-- Assuming the actual stored username is 'johndoe', it will match and be returned.

Consistent Display Formatting

When displaying data, consistency in the presentation can enhance readability and professionalism. If you have a table products with a name column and want to display all product names in uppercase, here’s how would you do it:

SELECT UPPER(name) AS product_name FROM products;
-- This query will return the names of all products converted to uppercase.

Real-World Case Sensitivity Issues

In real situations, mixed case data entry can lead to duplicate data issues. For example, if an email address is used as a unique identifier for users, ‘[email protected]’ and ‘[email protected]’ might be mistakenly considered different due to case sensitivity. To prevent this, you can use LOWER() during both insertion and selection:

INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES (LOWER('[email protected]'));
SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE LOWER(email) = LOWER('[email protected]');
-- Insertion and selection of email are carried out in a case-insensitive manner.

Case Conversion with JOINs and ORDER BY

Sometimes, you might need to join tables based on string columns with potentially different cases, or you might want to sort the results in a particular case. Consider the following:

SELECT, B.description
FROM products AS A
JOIN product_details AS B ON LOWER( = LOWER(B.product_name)
-- Joins the tables on a case-insensitive name match, and orders by name in uppercase.

Advanced Usage: Working with Accents and Collations

Upper and lower case conversions may involve special characters, such as accented letters, which can behave differently depending on the collation settings of your MySQL database. Here you need to work carefully with COLLATE clauses to ensure the expected behavior when dealing with accented or locale-specific character sets:

SELECT UPPER('Straße') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci AS uppercase_text;
-- Make sure you choose a collation that supports case conversion for the specific characters in use.


The UPPER() and LOWER() functions in MySQL are powerful tools for string manipulation, helping to enforce consistency and facilitate case-insensitive operations. As seen in the examples throughout this guide, they are indispensable functions for dealing with textual data in databases. With this knowledge, you’re now ready to efficiently manage case conversion tasks within MySQL 8.