Using Wildcard Indexes in MongoDB: An In-Depth Guide

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Wildcards are characters used to substitute for any other character or characters in a string. MongoDB, a NoSQL document-based database, uses wildcard indexes to facilitate searches over multiple fields with flexible schema patterns. This guide dives deep into the concepts of wildcard indexes and demonstrates how to use them efficiently within your MongoDB collections.

What are Wildcard Indexes?

Wildcard indexes in MongoDB allow automatic indexing of all fields for documents in a collection or specified sub-documents. They’re particularly useful in scenarios where the structure of stored documents might vary or when you want to index fields without specifying them explicitly.

Creation of Wildcard Indexes

db.collection.createIndex({ '$**': 1 });

This code snippet creates a wildcard index on all fields in the collection. It uses the ‘$**’ wildcard operator to match any field and subfield deeply nested within documents.

Use Cases for Wildcard Indexes

  • Flexible Document Structures: They are ideal for collections with flexible, evolving schemas where it is impractical to index every field manually.
  • Text Search: Wildcard indexes can also be beneficial for implementing search functionality across various document fields without creating individual indexes for each field.

Creating Wildcard Indexes for Specific Fields

If you wish to index specific fields instead of the entire document, wildcard projections can be used. Consider you want to create an index for all fields with a ‘contact.details’ path.

db.collection.createIndex({ 'contact.details.$**': 1 });

Optimizing Wildcard Indexes

Although wildcard indexes are powerful, they come with overhead. Here’s how to optimize their use:

  • Determine Fields to Exclude: Explicitly exclude fields that should not be indexed to reduce storage and performance overhead.
  • Monitor Performance: Use MongoDB’s built-in monitoring tools to assess the impact of wildcard indexes on query performance and make adjustments as needed.
  • Use Sparingly: Given their nature, wildcard indexes are best used sparingly and targeted toward specific use cases where their benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Limitations of Wildcard Indexes

While wildcard indexes offer flexibility, they also have their limitations:

  • Increased Overhead: They can significantly increase the size of your database’s index footprint and potentially degrade performance.
  • Lack of Precision: Because they index everything, it becomes harder to optimize queries and ensure efficient data retrieval.

Practical Examples

Let’s walkthrough some practical examples to demonstrate the use of wildcard indexes in real-world scenarios.

Example 1: Indexing an E-commerce Catalog

db.products.createIndex({ '$**': 1 }); 

This index will automatically index all fields within the products collection, making it easier to query any attribute of the products without needing to know the exact schema beforehand.

Example 2: Excluding Specific Fields

  { '$**': -1 },
    'wildcardProjection': {
      'userProfiles.password': 0,
      'userProfiles.creditCard': 0

In this example, all fields except ‘password’ and ‘creditCard’ will be indexed, ensuring sensitive information is not included in the wildcard index to mitigate security risks.


Wildcard indexes provide a powerful tool for managing searches across varied document structures in MongoDB but must be used judiciously. Understanding their benefits and limitations allows developers to leverage wildcard indexes effectively, ensuring optimal database performance and flexibility. Like any indexing strategy, employing wildcard indexes requires a deep understanding of your data and workload patterns. Use them thoughtfully to enhance, not hinder, your MongoDB operations.