3 Ways to Auto-Backup a PostgreSQL Database on Ubuntu

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Ensuring that your PostgreSQL database is regularly backed up is a critical aspect of database administration, particularly on widely used operating systems like Ubuntu. In this guide, we explore various automated backup solutions, providing a nuanced look at the steps necessary to implement them and their respective advantages and performance considerations.

Solution 1: pg_dump with cron jobs

Using cron jobs to schedule backups with the pg_dump utility is one of the simplest and most common methods for automating PostgreSQL backups. It involves setting up a time-based job scheduler to execute the backup command at specified intervals.

  1. Create a backup directory.
  2. Write a backup script using pg_dump.
  3. Schedule the script execution with corn.


# Create backup directory
mkdir -p /path/to/backup

# Backup script
PGPASSWORD=your_password pg_dump -U your_username -h your_host your_database > /path/to/backup/db_$(date +\"%Y%m%d%H%M%S\").sql

# Schedule with cron
0 2 * * * /path/to/your_backup_script.sh

Performance discussion: Using pg_dump with cron jobs is suitable for small to medium databases. For larger databases, consider using continuous archiving solutions instead, as pg_dump can be resource-intensive during backup operations.

Advantages and limitations: The cron job approach with pg_dump is simple to implement, cost-effective, and works well for basic backup needs. However, this method locks the tables during the backup, which may not be ideal for high-availability environments. Additionally, it doesn’t provide mechanisms for automatic clean-up of old backups.

Solution 2: Barman

Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open-source administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL databases. It provides remote backups, point-in-time recovery, and automation features.

  1. Install Barman on a separate server.
  2. Configure Barman with your PostgreSQL settings.
  3. Set up periodic backups through Barman’s scheduling.


# Install Barman
sudo apt-get install barman

# Configure Barman
sudo nano /etc/barman.conf

# Schedule backups (will vary based on your backup strategy)

Performance discussion: Particularly useful for larger databases as it minimizes the performance impact on the main database server by handling backups on a separate server.

Advantages and limitations: Provides reliable, continuous backups with advanced features, reduces workload on production servers, and offers detailed backup control. The cons include an additional layer of complexity and the potential requirement for more resources since it requires an external server for the management of backups.

Solution 3: Continuous Archiving and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)

Continuous archiving and PITR leverages PostgreSQL’s built-in WAL (Write-Ahead Logging) to perform consistent backups while the database is operational, and allows recovery to a specific point in time.


  1. Configure PostgreSQL for continuous archiving.
  2. Use cron or custom script to manage the WAL segments.
  3. Make use of recovery features for data restoration.


# Configure PostgreSQL for WAL archiving
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp %p /path/to/wal_archive/%f'

Performance discussion: This method typically reduces the performant impact on the system since the backup is continuously happening in small junks with the WAL files. However, it requires ample storage capacity to manage all the WAL segments.

Advantages and limitations: Continuous Archiving allows a running database to be backed up with just minor performance effects and can recover to any point within the backup domain. Its biggest drawback is the complexity involved in setting up, managing, and restoring from a continuous archive.


In conclusion, auto-backups for PostgreSQL on Ubuntu offer various routes tailored to database size, resource availability, and expected downtime. Simple environments with small databases might find cron-based pg_dump backups sufficient, while businesses with larger data sets might turn to Barman or Continuous Archiving to ensure comprehensive data security. Weighing the pros and cons of each method is crucial, allowing for an informed decision revolving around data safety, performance impacts, and administrative overhead.