3 Ways to Calculate the Product of an Array in PHP

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP, you may often need to calculate the product of values contained in an array. This is a common task in web development for operations like calculating total amounts, scores, or complex data manipulation. In this guide, we will explore various ways to achieve this in PHP, discussing the implementation, advantages and disadvantages of each method. Whether you are new to programming or an experienced developer, understanding these methods is valuable in building efficient applications.

3 Approaches to Find the Product of a Numeric Array

Built-in Function Method

PHP offers a built-in function called array_product() that calculates the product of an array’s values. It is the simplest and most straightforward approach for most use cases.

  • Step 1: Ensure you have an array of numbers.
  • Step 2: Call the array_product() function with the array as its argument.
  • Step 3: Store or use the returned value from the function.


$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
$product = array_product($array);
echo $product; // Outputs: 120

Performance discussion: Since array_product() is a built-in function, it is optimized for performance and is generally the fastest method available.

Advantages: Easy to use, no need for custom code. Fast execution being a native function.

Limitations: Only works on numerical arrays and cannot be customized for additional functionality.

Iterative Method

When you need more control over the calculation process or working with versions of PHP that do not support array_product(), an iterative approach can be used. This involves looping through the array and multiplying the values one by one.

  • Step 1: Initialize a variable to hold the product, typically starting with the value 1.
  • Step 2: Loop through the array using a foreach loop.
  • Step 3: Multiply the current product with each array value.
  • Step 4: Return or store the final product after the loop completes.


$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
$product = 1;
foreach ($array as $value) {
    $product *= $value;
echo $product; // Outputs: 120

Performance discussion: This method can be slower than the built-in function especially with large arrays, as it involves more overhead due to the loop.

Advantages: Offers the possibility to add additional checks or operations during the loop.

Limitations: Less efficient than native functions, more verbose.

Recursive Method

A recursive function is one that calls itself to solve a problem. This approach can be adopted to calculate the product of an array’s values where the function repeatedly calls itself with a subset of the original array.

  • Step 1: Create a recursive function that takes an array and an index (start with 0) as arguments.
  • Step 2: Inside the function, check if the index is equal to the array length, if so, return 1.
  • Step 3: Otherwise, call the function itself with the next index and multiply its result with the value at the current index.
  • Step 4: When the recursion ends, you will have the product of the array’s values.


function recursiveProduct($array, $index = 0) {
    if ($index == count($array)) {
        return 1;
    return $array[$index] * recursiveProduct($array, $index + 1);
$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
$product = recursiveProduct($array);
echo $product; // Outputs: 120

Performance discussion: Recursive functions usually incur more overhead than iterative solutions due to the additional function calls and are not as memory efficient.

Advantages: Can be easier to understand and maintain for complex operations.

Limitations: Potential stack overflow with large arrays, generally slower and more memory-intensive.


In PHP development, calculating the product of values in an array can be vital for various applications. As shown, PHP provides different methods from a built-in function to custom iterative or recursive implementations, each with its pros and cons. Although built-in functions are typically optimal for performance and ease of use, understanding alternative methods can be beneficial in cases where greater control or specific conditions are necessary during calculations. Carefully select the appropriate method based on your application’s requirements and the context in which you are working.