5 Ways to Create an Object in PHP (with Examples)

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Objects in PHP are an integral part of its object-oriented programming capabilities. Understanding how to create objects efficiently and effectively is foundational to building complex, scalable, and high-quality PHP applications. This tutorial will guide you through various methods to instantiate objects in PHP, including the ‘new’ keyword, cloning, deserialization, reflection, and factory patterns. We will delve into the nuances of each method and discuss the circumstances where each is optimal.

Before diving into the various ways to create objects, it’s essential to comprehend what an object is within the context of PHP. In PHP, an object is an instance of a class. A class is a blueprint that defines the properties (also known as attributes or variables) and methods (functions) that the objects derived from the class will possess.

Using the ‘new’ Keyword

The most common way to create a new instance of a class is by using the ‘new’ keyword followed by the class name. When a class is instantiated with ‘new’, PHP will automatically call the constructor method of that class, if one is defined, allowing for initial property values to be set.

$myObject = new MyClass();

Constructors can accept parameters, making it possible to pass values during object creation:

class MyClass {
    public function __construct($arg1, $arg2) {
        // Initialize properties based on the arguments
$myObject = new MyClass('value1', 'value2');

Cloning Objects

PHP allows objects to be copied through cloning. Cloning creates a shallow copy of the object; any properties that are objects will be references to the original objects.

$originalObject = new MyClass();
$clonedObject = clone $originalObject;

The __clone method can be defined within the class to control cloning behavior, allowing for deep copy functionality where necessary.

class MyClass {
    public function __clone() {
        // Custom cloning behavior goes here


Objects can be created from a string that represents the serialized version of an object using PHP’s unserialize function. This is particularly useful when storing object states or communicating between PHP processes.

$serializedObject = 'O:8:"MyClass":0:{}';
$myObject = unserialize($serializedObject);

However, for security reasons, beware of unserializing objects from untrusted sources as this can lead to code injection vulnerabilities.


The Reflection API in PHP allows one to introspect classes, interfaces, functions, and more at runtime. This also provides a way to create new instances of a class.

$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
$myObject = $reflectionClass->newInstance();

Factory Method and Factory Classes

Another common design pattern for object creation in PHP is the factory method or factory class. These are used to encapsulate object creation logic and provide a centralized point of object instantiation.

class MyFactory {
    public static function createObject() {
        return new MyClass();

$myObject = MyFactory::createObject();

Now that these methods have been defined, let’s clarify when and where it’s appropriate to apply each. Direct instantiation with the ‘new’ keyword is clear and convenient for uncomplicated object creation. Cloning is best when you need a copy of an existing object, while taking care to address any possible deep copy issues. Deserialization is valuable when working with object states that need to persist beyond the lifetime of a single PHP script execution. Reflection can be useful for more advanced use cases such as dynamic class name resolution. Factory patterns shine when designating and potentially abstracting object creation logic is necessary, such as in instances where constructed objects might differ based on the context or configuration.

Final Words

In conclusion, mastering the art of object creation in PHP is not merely about knowing the syntax but understanding when and why to use a particular method of instantiation. By following the guidelines we have examined today, you will be equipped to write cleaner, more maintainable code and design robust applications that fully harness PHP’s object-oriented programming capabilities.