3 Ways to Find Product of Array Elements in NumPy

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It provides support for multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. One common operation is finding the product of all elements in an array. This article looks at various methods to accomplish this in NumPy.

Utilizing NumPy’s Prod Function

The simplest way to find the product of all elements in an array is by using NumPy’s built-in np.prod() function. This function returns the product of the array elements over the specified axis.


  1. Import the NumPy library.
  2. Create your array using np.array().
  3. Call the np.prod() function on the array.

Code example:

import numpy as np

array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
product = np.prod(array)
# Output: 24

Performance: This method is generally fast and efficient because it is a part of NumPy’s core functionality, which is optimized in C. Pros: Simple and quick. Caveats: When dealing with very large arrays or arrays with very large numbers, the result might overflow.

Using the reduce Function from NumPy’s ufuncs

The reduce function that is part of NumPy’s universal functions (ufunc) can also be used to calculate the product of array elements. This approach might be more performant for some operations as it repeatedly applies a specified operation to the elements of an array.


  1. Import the NumPy library.
  2. Create your array.
  3. Use the np.multiply.reduce() method to find the product.


import numpy as np

array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
product = np.multiply.reduce(array)
# Output: 24

Performance: For large arrays or complex calculations, the reduce function may perform better than the prod function. Benefits: This also harnesses the core C-optimized computation engine.

Employing a Manual Product Calculation

Though not recommended due to performance issues, one can manually calculate the product of array elements using a loop. This is mostly of academic interest or for understanding the algorithmic process behind the product calculation.


  1. Import the NumPy library.
  2. Create your array.
  3. Initialize a variable to hold the product (e.g., product = 1).
  4. Loop through each element in the array and multiply it with the product variable.

Code example:

import numpy as np

array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
product = 1

for number in array:
    product *= number

# Output: 24

Performance: This method is usually much slower than using NumPy’s built-in functions and not recommended for large arrays or performance-critical applications. Pros: Teaching the basics of how product functions work. Cons: Inefficient.


In conclusion, while there are various ways to calculate the product of array elements in NumPy, using np.prod() and np.multiply.reduce() are generally the preferred methods due to their efficient performance. These functions leverage NumPy’s optimized C backend to deliver high-performance computations that are particularly beneficial with large datasets. In contrast, manual iteration is instructive but not practical for serious numerical computations.