3 ways to install Terraform on Mac

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Installing Terraform on a Mac is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through several methods. Each method has its own set of advantages and steps, catering to different preferences and situations. Whether you are looking for the official way or an alternative, this guide will help you understand the various options available for installing Terraform on a Mac.

Approach #1 – Homebrew Package Manager

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of software on Apple’s operating system. Installing Terraform through Homebrew is easy, quick, and keeps your installation up to date.

  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. Type brew install terraform and press Enter.
  3. Wait for the process to complete.

If you don’t have Homebrew installed yet, see this article: How to install/upgrade/remove Homebrew on Mac OS.

Notes: This method allows for easy updates with brew update and brew upgrade terraform. It’s a straightforward and commonly used method by developers on macOS.

Approach #2 – Downloading Official Binary

For those who prefer or require direct installation from the official source, downloading the Terraform binary from HashiCorp’s website is a reliable method. It involves a few more steps but is as effective.

  1. Visit the official Terraform download page.
  2. Choose the appropriate version for macOS and download the needed archive.
  3. Extract the archive with a tool of your choice or using the command line.
  4. Move the extracted Terraform binary to /usr/local/bin/ for global access.

Notes: This method requires manual updates by repeating the steps above with the new version. While it’s more hands-on, it gives users full control over the installation and version management.

Approach #3 – Using Terraform Version Manager (tfenv)

tfenv is a Terraform version manager similar to rbenv and nvm for Ruby and Node respectively. It allows for easy switching between different Terraform versions, catering to projects with version-specific requirements.

  1. First, install tfenv using Homebrew with brew install tfenv.
  2. Install the desired Terraform version with tfenv install <version>.
  3. Switch between installed versions with tfenv use <version>.

Notes: tfenv is particularly useful for developers working on multiple projects requiring different Terraform versions. The trade-off is the need to familiarize oneself with tfenv’s command syntax.


Each method of installing Terraform on a Mac has its own merits. Homebrew offers simplicity and easy updates, downloading the official binary assures you’re getting the software directly from HashiCorp, and tfenv provides flexibility for those working with multiple versions. Your choice should depend on your specific needs and preferences. By following the outlined methods, anyone can get Terraform installed and running on their Mac efficiently.