4 ways to install/upgrade Apache on Mac

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is a widely-used open source web server software. Installing or upgrading Apache on a Mac can be done through several methods, depending on user preferences, system requirements, and the level of customization needed. In this guide, we will explore various ways to install or upgrade the Apache web server on Mac.

Solution 1: Using Homebrew

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation and management of software. Using Homebrew to install or upgrade Apache ensures that dependencies are handled automatically.

1. Install Homebrew by executing the following command in the terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

2. With Homebrew installed, you can easily install Apache by running:

brew install httpd

3. To upgrade an existing Apache version, use:

brew upgrade httpd

Notes: Using Homebrew is convenient and user-friendly, providing easy setup and upgrade paths. However, it may install additional packages and could offer a version of Apache that is not the latest source release.

Solution 2: Using MacPorts

MacPorts is another package management tool that allows you to install Apache on macOS. It is similar to Homebrew but works independently.

1. Install MacPorts by downloading and running the installer from the MacPorts website.

2. With MacPorts installed, open terminal and execute the command:

sudo port install apache2

3. For upgrading Apache via MacPorts, enter:

sudo port upgrade apache2

Notes: MacPorts gives you fine-grained control over the installation process, which can be great for advanced users. However, it is considered more complex to use than Homebrew and the installation process can be lengthier.

Solution 3: Compiling from Source

For maximum control over the configuration, compiling Apache from source is the go-to method. This approach is more time-consuming but allows customizations that are not possible with package managers.

1. Download the latest version of Apache from the Apache website.

2. Unpack the downloaded archive and navigate to the created directory in terminal.

3. Configure the Apache installation with your desired options:

./configure --options

4. Compile and install Apache using:

sudo make install

Notes: Compiling from source offers great customization but requires more technical knowledge. It might be necessary to manually handle dependencies and system compatibility issues that package managers would typically take care of.

Solution 4: Using the Pre-installed Apache

Every Mac with macOS has a pre-installed Apache web server. One can start, stop, and restart this native Apache server with simple terminal commands.

1. To start the pre-installed Apache, run:

sudo apachectl start

2. To upgrade this Apache version, you generally have to wait for the next macOS update as Apple maintains these system-level applications.

Notes: Leveraging the native Apache web server is the easiest method, with no installation required. However, it provides very limited control over Apache versions and configurations, making it suitable for basic usage or development purposes.

Final Words

Various methods can be employed to install or upgrade Apache on a Mac, each with its own set of steps and levels of complexity. Package managers like Homebrew and MacPorts simplify the process significantly, while compiling from source offers more control over the installation. The built-in Apache server is the simplest to use but offers the least flexibility. Depending on your expertise and needs, select the solution that best suits your situation.