3 Ways to Make Comments in PHP: Best Practices for Readable Code

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Implementing comments in PHP scripts is crucial for code readability and maintenance. This guide will explore various methods to annotate your code effectively in PHP.

Single Line Commenting

Single-line comments are ideal for short explanations or notes about a specific code segment. They are indicated by two forward slashes (//) at the beginning:

  • Identify the line that needs a comment.
  • Type // followed by your comment text.


// This is a single line comment in PHP
print "Hello World!";

Single line comments have no performance impact since they are not executed by the PHP parser.

Advantages: Quick and easy way to document the purpose of a line or block of code.

Limitations: Not suitable for lengthy descriptions.

Multi-line Commenting

For extensive explanations that span multiple lines, the multi-line comment syntax is used in PHP. It starts with /* and ends with */. Below are the detailed steps to follow:

  1. Identify the start of the block that requires a comment.
  2. Begin your comment with /*.
  3. Write your comment text.
  4. End your comment with */.


    This is a multi-line comment in PHP
     You can write over several lines.
print "Hello World!";

As with single line comments, multi-line comments are ignored by the PHP parser and do not affect performance.

Advantages: Suitable for longer comments which can explain complex logic or sections of code.

Limitations: Can make the code look cluttered if overused.

Documenting Using PHPDoc

PHPDoc comments provide a standardized way for documenting PHP code structures such as classes, methods, properties, and more. PHPDoc uses an asterisk (*) to signify each line of the comment block.

  • Place the PHPDoc block above the code entity you want to document.
  • Start the block with /** and end it with */.
  • Include descriptive annotations within the block.


 * Calculates the sum of two numbers.
 * @param int $a The first number.
 * @param int $b The second number.
 * @return int Returns the sum of $a and $b.
function add($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b;

PHPDoc comments, like other comment types, do not affect the runtime performance of PHP applications.

Advantages: Enhances code understanding, particularly for OOP, and aids tools like IDEs for auto-completion and documentation generators.

Limitations: Takes additional time to write and maintain compared to simpler comment types.


In summary, commenting in PHP is essential for maintaining readability and understanding intricate codebases. Each method—single line, multi-line, and PHPDoc—has its ideal use cases, and developers are encouraged to use a combination of these to create self-explanatory and maintainable code structures.