3 Ways to See All Databases in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PostgreSQL, viewing all available databases is a common and important task for database administrators and developers. This guide presents several methods to list all databases in your PostgreSQL server, highlighting their usage, pros, and cons.

Solution 1: Using psql Meta-Commands

Meta-commands are specific to PostgreSQL’s command-line interface – extit{psql}. They are useful for common administrative tasks and can be recognized by their backslash prefix.

  1. Start the psql command-line utility.
  2. Type the extbackslash l or extbackslash list meta-command.
  3. Press Enter to see the list of databases.
$ psql -U username
username=> \l


  • Quick and easy to use.
  • No need for SQL knowledge.


  • User must have access to the psql utility.

Solution 2: SQL Query against pg_database

You can access the list of databases using a standard SQL query against the pg_database system catalog within PostgreSQL.

  1. Access the psql terminal as a user that has read access to pg_database.
  2. Execute the SQL query to retrieve all database names.
$ psql -U username
username=> SELECT datname FROM pg_database;


  • Utilizes standard SQL syntax that is familiar to many developers.
  • Can be included in scripts and applications.


  • Requires knowledge of SQL.

Solution 3: Using pgAdmin (GUI only)

pgAdmin is a popular and powerful open-source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL.

  1. Open pgAdmin from your browser or desktop application.
  2. Connect to the PostgreSQL server using your login credentials.
  3. Browse through the server tree to see the list of available databases.


  • Intuitive graphical interface.
  • Provides extensive details and actions for database management.


  • Requires pgAdmin to be installed and configured.
  • May not be preferable for command-line-centric users or environments where GUI usage is limited.


Viewing all databases in PostgreSQL can be achieved in various ways, each suited to different user needs and work environments. From quick-and-easy meta-commands in psql, to comprehensive SQL queries, or the use of a feature-rich tool like pgAdmin, you have multiple paths to access your DB information. Understanding the advantages and limitations of each method will enable you to choose the one that best fits your circumstance and proficiency.