What is MySQL Workbench and how to use it

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a powerful tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. It provides a graphical user interface to the MySQL server environment where users can manage databases, run queries, and set up servers. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the basics of MySQL Workbench and gradually progress to more advanced features.

Getting Started with MySQL Workbench

Before diving into the functionalities of MySQL Workbench, ensure that you’ve installed both MySQL server and Workbench on your computer. The official MySQL website provides packages for various operating systems.

Installing MySQL Workbench

Go to the official website to download the approriate version for your operating system.

Connecting to a Database

Upon starting MySQL Workbench, click on a server under the MySQL Connections list to establish a connection. If this is your first time, you’ll need to set up a new connection. Enter the necessary credentials, such as hostname, port, and user information, then click ‘Test Connection’ to ensure everything is set up correctly before you save.

Basic Querying

Once connected, click on the query tab to begin working with SQL commands. To query the list of databases, use:


Executing the above query will display all existing databases on your MySQL server.

Here is how to create a new database:

CREATE DATABASE tutorial_db;

This creates a database named ‘tutorial_db’.

To switch to a database and create a table run:

USE tutorial_db;
  name VARCHAR(100),
  email VARCHAR(100)

Now, you have a database with a table named ‘users’.

Manipulating Data

With a database and table in place, the next logical step is to manipulate data.

Inserting Data

INSERT INTO users (name, email)
VALUES ('John Doe', '[email protected]');

This command adds a new user to the ‘users’ table.

Reading Data

To retrieve data, use a SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM users;

This returns all the records from the ‘users’ table.

Updating Data

If you need to update existing data, use the UPDATE statement:

UPDATE users SET name = 'Jane Doe' WHERE id = 1;

This changes the name of the user with id 1 to ‘Jane Doe’.

Deleting Data

To remove data, use the DELETE statement:

DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1;

This deletes the record with id 1.

Working with the GUI Tools

MySQL Workbench allows you to visually design databases using the EER diagramming tool which stands for Enhanced Entity-Relationship. It’s a helpful way to define and visualize the structure of your data.

Creating an EER Model

Navigate to the home screen and click on ‘Models’. Create a new model and use the diagramming tools to draft your tables, foreign key relationships, and other such structural aspects of your database.

Forward Engineering

Once you’ve designed your model, you can generate the corresponding SQL script with the forward engineering feature. Select ‘Database’ from the top menu bar and choose ‘Forward Engineer…’ to commence the process.

Advanced Workbench Features

Beyond basic data manipulation, MySQL Workbench includes advanced features such as:

  • User Management: Manage your MySQL server users and privileges under the ‘Users and Privileges’ tab.
  • Server Status: Keep watch on server health and performance metrics under ‘Server Status’.
  • Importing and Exporting Data: Import data from external sources and export your data through ‘Table Data Import Wizard’ and ‘Table Data Export Wizard’ respectively.

Execute Stored Procedures

Run more complex SQL statements known as stored procedures. Here’s an example of creating a simple stored procedure:

  SELECT * FROM users;
END //

To call this stored procedure use:

CALL GetAllUsers();

Writing Custom Scripts

Use the built-in scripting shell for JavaScript or Python to automate database tasks.

Here’s a Python snippet to perform a query:

import mysqlsh

# Connect to MySQL
session = mysqlsh.get_session()

# Select the DB
session.run_sql('USE tutorial_db')

# Execute Query
result = session.run_sql('SELECT * FROM users')

# Retrieve results and print
for row in result.fetch_all():


MySQL Workbench is an integral part of the MySQL ecosystem, providing users with a visual and intuitive platform to manage, develop, and design MySQL databases. Whether you are creating queries, designing data models, or performing complex database operations, MySQL Workbench is a versatile tool that can streamline your workflow and increase your productivity.