When Not to Use Microservices? Here’re 6 Common Scenarios

Updated: January 31, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


While the microservices architecture has become a popular approach for efficiently building and scaling modern applications, there are circumstances where this architectural style is not the most suitable choice. Like any technological solution, microservices come with their own set of complexities and challenges. In this article, we will delve into scenarios where adopting microservices might not be the wisest approach, alternatives to consider, and some key considerations when deciding your architecture model.

Before we jump into the specifics of when not to use microservices, let’s briefly review what they are. In contrast to traditional monolithic architecture, a microservices architecture breaks down an application into a collection of smaller, interconnected services. Each service is self-contained and handles a specific business function.

Scenario 1: The Early Stage Startup

For startups just beginning their journey, the priority is often to reach the market as quickly as possible. A simpler monolithic architecture might be more appropriate in this stage because:

  • It reduces initial complexity: Quick iterations are made easier by a simpler architecture.
  • Team familiarity: If the development team is more comfortable with monolithic applications, the learning curve can stall progress with microservices.
  • Microservices can require more resources, both in terms of hardware and operational costs, which may be limiting for a startup.

Scenario 2: Small Projects with Simple Requirements

Not every application will benefit from the overhead involved in maintaining microservices. For small-scale projects with simple requirements and lower traffic:

  • A monolithic architecture is easy to develop and deploy due to its simplicity.
  • The overhead of managing microservice interdependencies and data consistency can be an unnecessary hassle.

Scenario 3: Lack of DevOps Experience

Microservices require a strong DevOps culture:

  • Infrastructure as code, continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD), and automated testing are more complex but necessary.
  • Without the necessary experience and tools in place, managing a microservices architecture becomes risky and may lead to increased downtimes.

Scenario 4: Monolithic Architecture Does The Job

Ultimately, the decision to use microservices should be driven by actual needs. If the current monolithic application is performing well and scaling needs are met, introducing microservices could be overengineering the situation.

Code Example: Project Migration Consideration (Node.js)

// Hypothetical scenario where an express.js application can be split. // Before: all handled by one monolithic app.

app.post('/orders', (req, res) => {
  // Order logic here.
app.get('/products', (req, res) => {
  // Product logic here.

// After: split into two separate services.

// Orders microservice
ordersApp.post('/orders', (req, res) => {
  // Order microservice logic here.

// Products microservice
productsApp.get('/products', (req, res) => {
  // Product microservice logic here.

This simplified code example indicates how functionalities could be split into separate microservices. However, in practice, each service would be hosted in its separate repository with its database, which might be overkill if your monolith is meeting the business needs proficiently.

Scenario 5: Inadequate Team Size or Budget Constraints

Microservices often require:

  • A broader array of technological expertise across the team.
  • Increased initial costs due to infrastructure and tooling.

Scenario 6: Need for Strong Transactional Consistency

If an application requires strong transactional consistency across various business functions, microservices might add complexity due to: Distributed transactions can be harder to coordinate.

Alternatives to Microservices

  • Monolith Modularization: Implementing module boundaries within a single codebase could offer some benefits of separation without the complexities of microservices.
  • Serverless: Functions as a Service (FaaS) like AWS Lambda can be an alternative for microservices, with a different set of trade-offs.

Deciding Your Application Architecture

It’s crucial to assess:

  • The problem space and the solution’s appropriateness for microservices.
  • Operational readiness of your team.
  • Long-term commitment to the architecture.

Final Words

In summary, microservices are not a panacea and their implementation comes with significant complexities that may not be justified in every scenario. An informed decision should balance between the immediate business needs and the long-term technical strategy, taking into account factors like scale, complexity, team capabilities, and available resources.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach in software architecture, and therefore, understanding the trade-offs of microservices is crucial for a successful software development lifecycle. By evaluating your specific situation against the highlighted scenarios where microservices might be not beneficial, you can more confidently plan out your architecture strategy and avoid potential pitfalls associated with this architecting method.