When to use and when not to use Laravel

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel has taken the PHP community by storm and stands out as one of the most popular web application frameworks on the market. Known for its elegant syntax and robust features, it’s widely favored. However, like any tool or framework, it’s not always the perfect fit for every project. In this article, we’ll dive into the scenarios where Laravel shines and those where you should consider an alternative option, supported by code examples that demonstrate its utilities and limitations.

Introduction to Laravel

Laravel, created by Taylor Otwell, is an open-source PHP framework used for web application development. It utilizes a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture and provides features like an intuitive ORM, simplified routing, a powerful queue library, and a robust templating engine called Blade. Before exploring when and when not to use the framework, let’s look at basic code examples to understand Laravel’s features.

Basic Routing

In Laravel, defining routes is straightforward. Here’s a simple example of a web route to return a ‘Hello, World’ message.

Route::get('/', function () { return 'Hello, World'; }); 

You can define this route in the web.php file located in the routes directory. The output will simply be ‘Hello, World’ displayed on the screen when you visit the root URL of your Laravel application.

Eloquent ORM

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM is a simple yet powerful ORM that allows you to work with your database in an object-oriented manner. Here’s a basic example of how to retrieve all records from a table called posts using Eloquent.

$posts = App\Models\Post::all(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->title; } 

This code would output the titles of all posts stored in your database’s posts table.

When to Use Laravel

Laravel is especially suited for applications that require complex backend functionalities such as user authentication, data manipulation, and sophisticated workflows. The beauty of Laravel lies in its ability to simplify these tasks effectively.

Simplified Authentication

Laravel Jetstream, which is built into the Laravel ecosystem, provides scaffolding for login, registration, and email verification. Let’s look at how Laravel sets up authentication quickly.

php artisan jetstream:install livewire composer require laravel/sanctum php artisan migrate 

By running these commands, Laravel scaffolds the necessary front-end and back-end structures for a fully functional authentication system.

Advanced Task Scheduling

Laravel’s task scheduler allows you to fluently define your command schedule within the app\Console\Kernel.php file. Here’s a snippet to run a command daily at midnight.

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('inspire')->daily(); }

This advanced feature is particularly useful for applications that involve periodic tasks or event scheduling without the need for cron tab setup.

When Not to Use Laravel

Despite its strengths, Laravel may not be the ideal fit for certain projects. Microservices, extreme performance-sensitive applications, and small-scale projects might be better suited to other frameworks or languages.


For service-oriented architectures with microservices, you may want to look at Lumen (a lighter Laravel variant) or even a non-PHP framework that’s designed for high-concurrency, low-overhead microservices.

Basic Websites

If you’re building a simple static website, using a full-stack framework like Laravel might be overkill. In such cases, a simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript stack or a static site generator like Jekyll would suffice.


In conclusion, while Laravel offers a variety of features that make it an excellent choice for complex web applications, there are circumstances where its functionalities may not be necessary or optimal. By weighing the project requirements against Laravel’s offerings, developers can make informed decisions about whether or not to leverage the framework’s capabilities.