Where does MySQL 8 store data?

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL, the widely-used open-source relational database management system, offers reliable ways to store and manage data efficiently. MySQL 8.0, the latest version as of my knowledge cutoff in 2023, has introduced various features for performance enhancement, security, and more. Understanding where MySQL stores data is pivotal for database management, data security, and optimization. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the storage locations and structures used by MySQL 8 to safeguard and organize your data.

Data Directory Structure

The central storage location for MySQL data in any version, including MySQL 8, is the data directory. Here’s the basic command to find out where your data directory is located:


This SQL query will output the path to your MySQL data directory, for example:

| Variable_name | Value           |
| datadir       | /var/lib/mysql/ |

The data directory includes:

  • The ibdata1 file – This is the system tablespace file that InnoDB uses by default.
  • InnoDB log files – The log files for the InnoDB storage engine. The default names are ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1.
  • Binary log files – These files contain information about data modifications and are used for replication and data recovery.
  • Relay log files – In slave configurations, these files store data changes received from a master server.
  • Error log file – To store error messages, warnings, and server startup messages.

Each database within MySQL is stored as a separate subdirectory in the data directory. For instance, if you have a database named my_database, it lives in a folder such as:


Inside this directory, the structure includes:

  • Table data files (FRM, IB, MYD, MYI files) – Contain the structure and data of tables.
  • Tablespace files for each InnoDB table, if the file-per-table option is enabled.

Understanding the InnoDB Storage Engine

InnoDB is the default storage engine for MySQL 8. InnoDB stores table data within tablespaces, which can be either a single system tablespace for all tables or file-per-table tablespaces. Let’s look at some basic queries related to InnoDB data storage:

Showing InnoDB Tablespaces


This will list all the InnoDB tablespaces including file name, space ID, and other details. Outputs might vary based on your database setup.

Checking the InnoDB file-per-table Status

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_file_per_table';

This command shows whether the file-per-table mode is enabled:

| Variable_name         | Value |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON    |

MySQL Data Storage Configurations

While the default settings are suitable for many applications, MySQL allows various configurations for customizing data storage. The my.cnf or my.ini file is the configuration file for MySQL. Here’s an example of configuring the data directory:

datadir = /path/to/your/custom_directory

To further tune the InnoDB storage, you can set options for the InnoDB buffer pool size, log file size, and others:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G
innodb_log_file_size = 256M

Managing Tablespaces and Data Files

MySQL allows database administrators to manually manage and manipulate tablespaces and their data files. Here are some examples:

Creating a New Tablespace

CREATE TABLESPACE `your_tablespace` ADD DATAFILE 'your_tablespace.ibd' ENGINE=InnoDB;

Adding Data File to a Tablespace

ALTER TABLESPACE `your_tablespace` ADD DATAFILE 'new_datafile.ibd';

Advanced Data Storage Strategies

For larger databases, MySQL 8 allows partitioning to distribute data across multiple files. Partitioning can enhance performance and management for large tables:

Creating a Partitioned Table

CREATE TABLE `partitioned_table` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `data` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

This code snippet shows how to partition a table by hashing the ID column into 4 partitions.

MySQL 8.0 also incorporates the ability to have table encryption, which is vital for securing sensitive data. Here’s an example of enabling encryption on a table:

CREATE TABLE `secure_table` (
  `sensitive_data` varchar(255) NOT NULL

Backing Up and Restoring Data Files

The integrity and safety of data are crucial. MySQL supports physical and logical data backup methods. Here are basic commands for backing up and restoring your MySQL data:

Backing Up with mysqldump

mysqldump -u root -p your_database > backup.sql

Restoring is as simple as applying the SQL dump file to the MySQL server:

mysql -u root -p your_database < backup.sql

For InnoDB tables, a physical backup tool like Percona XtraBackup might be used for efficient copying of data files.


MySQL 8 offers robust options for configuring and managing where data is stored. By understanding the data directory structure, storage engines like InnoDB, and strategies for backup and security, you can effectively administer your MySQL databases. Knowledge in these areas helps in performance tuning, disaster recovery, and maintaining data integrity.