Working with numpy.fabs() function (5 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The numpy.fabs() function is an essential part of NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It computes the absolute values (i.e., the non-negative value) of all elements in a given array. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the numpy.fabs() function through five practical and progressively advanced examples.

Before diving into the examples, it’s important to understand that numpy.fabs() differs from the standard Python abs() function, as it is specifically optimized for NumPy arrays and can handle arrays in a more efficient and vectorized manner. This makes numpy.fabs() a crucial tool for numerical computations involving arrays.

Example 1: Basic Usage of numpy.fabs()

import numpy as np
# Create a random array of floats
array = np.random.randn(5)
print("Original Array:")
# Compute the absolute values
abs_array = np.fabs(array)
print("Absolute Values:")


Original Array:
[1.76405235 0.40015721 0.97873798 2.2408932  1.86755799]
Absolute Values:
[1.76405235 0.40015721 0.97873798 2.2408932  1.86755799]

In this example, we created a random array using np.random.randn(), which generates random floats. We then applied numpy.fabs() to compute the absolute values of each element in the array. The output demonstrates how numpy.fabs() effectively transforms negative values into positive ones, while leaving positive values unchanged.

Example 2: Handling Complex Numbers

import numpy as np
# Create an array of complex numbers
complex_array = np.array([1+2j, 3-4j, -5+6j, -7-8j])
print("Original Array:")
# Attempt to apply fabs - this will raise an error
# abs_array = np.fabs(complex_array)
# Use np.abs() for complex numbers instead
correct_abs_array = np.abs(complex_array)
print("Absolute Values (Correct Method):")


Original Array:
[ 1.+2.j  3.-4.j -5.+6.j -7.-8.j]
Absolute Values (Correct Method):
[ 2.23606798  5.          7.81024968 10.63014581]

This example illustrates a crucial limitation of numpy.fabs(): it cannot be directly applied to arrays containing complex numbers. Instead, you should use np.abs() for such cases, which correctly computes the magnitude of complex numbers.

Example 3: Applying numpy.fabs() on a 2D Array

import numpy as np
# Create a 2D array of random floats
array_2d = np.random.randn(3, 3)
print("Original 2D Array:")
# Compute absolute values for each element in 2D
abs_array_2d = np.fabs(array_2d)
print("Absolute 2D Array:")


Original 2D Array:
[[ 0.59040839  0.91308783  0.66097487]
 [-1.39070886 -0.12674911  0.9781782 ]
 [ 0.31062084 -2.06074777 -1.13958046]]
Absolute 2D Array:
[[0.59040839 0.91308783 0.66097487]
 [1.39070886 0.12674911 0.9781782 ]
 [0.31062084 2.06074777 1.13958046]]

In this third example, we extend our application of numpy.fabs() to two-dimensional (2D) arrays. Here, numpy.fabs() acts element-wise, computing the absolute value for each element across the entire 2D array. This capability is particularly useful for matrix operations and image processing tasks where absolute values are often required.

Example 4: Performing Operations Before Applying numpy.fabs()

import numpy as np
# Demonstrate operations before applying fabs()
array1 = np.array([5, -3, -2, 8])
array2 = np.array([2, -7, 1, -3])
# Subtract array2 from array1
result = array1 - array2
print("Subtraction Result:")
# Apply fabs
final_result = np.fabs(result)
print("After fabs Application:")


Subtraction Result:
[ 3  4 -3 11]
After fabs Application:
[ 3.  4.  3. 11.]

This example showcases how to perform operations (e.g., subtraction) on arrays before applying numpy.fabs(). This is a common scenario in data preprocessing, where one might need to normalize data by ensuring all values are non-negative through subtraction and then by taking the absolute values.

Example 5: Using numpy.fabs() with Masked Arrays

import numpy as np
# Create a masked array
mask_array =[1, -2, -3, 4, -5], mask=[0, 0, 1, 0, 1])
print("Original Masked Array:")
# Apply fabs on the masked array
fabs_masked_array = np.fabs(mask_array)
print("Masked Array After fabs:")


Original Masked Array:
[1 -2 -- 4 --]
Masked Array After fabs:
[1.0 2.0 -- 4.0 --]

The final example delves into more advanced territory, demonstrating the use of numpy.fabs() with masked arrays. Masked arrays are an important feature of NumPy, allowing you to selectively ignore certain elements during computations. When numpy.fabs() is applied to a masked array, the function computes the absolute values of all unmasked elements, leaving the masked elements untouched. This technique is highly useful for handling incomplete or corrupt data.


Through these examples, we’ve seen the versatility and power of the numpy.fabs() function in various contexts, from basic array manipulations to more complex operations involving 2D arrays and masked arrays. Understanding how to effectively use numpy.fabs() can significantly enhance your data processing and scientific computing tasks in Python.