Working with NumPy modf() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, standing as a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, offers a wide array of functions to handle array operations effectively. One of its utility functions, modf(), is adept at breaking floating-point numbers into their fractional and integer parts. This article elucidates the functionality of the modf() function through a series of examples, ranging from basic to advanced use-cases.

What does NumPy’s modf() Function Do?

The modf() function in NumPy essentially separates the fractional and integer parts of a floating number or an array of floating numbers. This function is incredibly useful in scenarios where one needs to extract and manipulate these components separately. The return value of modf() is a tuple of two arrays: the first holding the fractional parts, and the second holding the integer parts.

The basic syntax of modf() is as follows:


Where x can be a number, a list, or an ndarray of floating numbers.

Example 1: Basic Usage of modf()

Let us begin with a simple example to understand the basic operation of modf().

import numpy as np

# Single floating-point number
number = 3.14
fraction, integer = np.modf(number)

print("Fractional part:", fraction)
print("Integer part:", integer)

The output of this code snippet will be:

Fractional part: 0.14
Integer part: 3.0

This example clearly shows how modf() separates the integer and fractional parts of a floating number.

Example 2: Working with Arrays

NumPy’s modf() function shines when dealing with arrays of numbers. This example demonstrates its use with an array.

import numpy as np

# Array of floating-point numbers
numbers = [3.14, 7.56, -1.23]
frac_part, int_part = np.modf(numbers)

print("Fractional parts:", frac_part)
print("Integer parts:", int_part)

The output:

Fractional parts: [ 0.14  0.56 -0.23]
Integer parts: [ 3.  7. -1.]

This illustrates how modf() operates on each element of an array independently, extracting and separating their fractional and integer components.

Example 3: Handling Negative Numbers

A key aspect of modf() is its ability to accurately process negative numbers, maintaining the sign on both the fractional and integer parts. This example illustrates this behavior.

import numpy as np

# Negative floating-point number
number = -3.14
fraction, integer = np.modf(number)

print("Fractional part:", fraction)
print("Integer part:", integer)

The output will reflect the handling of negative numbers:

Fractional part: -0.14
Integer part: -3.0

This demonstrates modf()‘s thoughtful design in preserving the sign, which is crucial for accurate mathematical computations.

Example 4: Advanced Use-Case with Mathematical Operations

Advancing further, modf() can be applied in conjunction with other mathematical operations or functions for more complex scenarios. This example shows how to use modf() alongside mathematical operations.

import numpy as np

# Array of numbers
numbers = np.linspace(-3, 3, 7) # Generates 7 numbers between -3 and 3
decomposed = np.vectorize(lambda x: (f'{int(np.modf(x)[1])}|{np.modf(x)[0]:.2f}'))(numbers)

print("Number decompositions:", decomposed)

The output introduces a more complex application:

Number decompositions: ['-3|-0.00' '-2|-0.00' '-1|-0.00' '0|0.00' '1|0.00' '2|0.00' '3|0.00']

In this example, np.linspace() is used to create an array of numbers between -3 and 3. The lambda function within np.vectorize() then applies modf() to each number, formatting the output into a string that combines both parts, showcasing modf()‘s flexibility in data manipulation and presentation.


Through these examples, we’ve seen the versatility and utility of NumPy’s modf() function. From simple separations of float components to more intricate applications alongside other operations, modf() proves to be an essential tool in the repertoire of anyone working with scientific computing in Python. Whether you’re dealing with data processing, mathematical computations, or just need a quick way to decompose floating numbers, modf() offers a straightforward and efficient approach.