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Working with pandas.Series.explore() method (4 examples)

Last updated: February 22, 2024


The pandas.Series.explore() method, introduced in a recent Pandas update, stands as a powerful tool for rapid, preliminary data analysis. It serves to bridge the gap between data processing and visualization, making it easier for analysts and data scientists to understand their data at a glance. This guide aims to walk you through this method with four progressively complex examples. Whether you’re new to pandas or looking to expand your repertoire, this guide has something for everyone.

Getting Started

First, ensure your pandas installation is up to date, as the explore() method is part of the newer releases. You can update pandas using pip:

pip install pandas --upgrade

With pandas updated, let’s dive into some examples.

Example 1: Basic Exploration

For our first example, we’ll look at a simple series of data representing ages.

import pandas as pd

# Sample data
ages = pd.Series([22, 45, 18, 25, 30, 41, 28, 65, 20])

# Using explore

At its core, explore() generates basic statistics and visualizations, giving an immediate sense of the data distribution. The output includes a histogram and a boxplot, alongside descriptive statistics like mean, median, and mode.

Example 2: Customization and Theming

In our second example, we enhance our data exploration by customizing the visual output. Pandas’ explore() method is versatile, allowing for significant customization of the plots it generates.

import pandas as pd

# Data remains the same
ages = pd.Series([22, 45, 18, 25, 30, 41, 28, 65, 20])

# Explore with customization
ages.explore(kind='hist', bins=20, color='skyblue', title='Age Distribution')

This code snippet updates our previous exploration, modifying the kind of plot, the number of bins in the histogram, the color, and adds a title. Such customization helps in tailoring the analysis to specific presentation or analytical needs.

Example 3: Exploring With Filters

Moving onto our third example, let’s introduce data filters into our exploration. Filtering allows us to focus on specific subsets of the data for a more detailed analysis.

import pandas as pd

# Sample data
ages = pd.Series([22, 45, 18, 25, 30, 41, 28, 65, 20])

# Applying a filter before exploration
filtered_ages = ages[ages > 30]

In this instance, we applied a filter to our series to only consider ages greater than 30. The exploration of this filtered data gives us insights that are more relevant to our subset of interest, be it for demographic studies, marketing strategies, or health assessments.

Example 4: Advanced Data Combination and Exploration

For our final example, we delve into more complex scenarios involving multiple data series. Let’s simulate a case where we have two series: ages, and a new series, salaries, and we wish to explore the relationship between age and salary.

import pandas as pd

# Sample data
ages = pd.Series([22, 45, 18, 25, 30, 41, 28, 65, 20])
salaries = pd.Series([45000, 80000, 32000, 52000, 58000, 75000, 47000, 90000, 39000])

# Creating a DataFrame from the series
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'Age': ages, 'Salary': salaries})

# Using explore on the DataFrame to analyze the relationship
dataframe.explore(x='Age', y='Salary', kind='scatter')

This analysis, which converts the series into a DataFrame, allows us to use explore() to create a scatter plot. Such a plot can help in visualizing correlations or patterns between age and salary, providing a foundational step into deeper data analysis.


The pandas.Series.explore() method enriches data analysis processes by integrating quick visualization and essential statistics. From basic distributions to advanced multi-variable relationships, explore() facilitates immediate, insightful observations, laying the groundwork for comprehensive data analysis endeavors.

Next Article: Pandas Series.searchsorted() method: A practical guide

Previous Article: Using pandas.Series.unstack() method (with examples)

Series: Pandas Series: From Basic to Advanced


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