Working with Remote Branches in Git: A Developer’s Guide

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Git has become an indispensable tool in modern software development, enabling teams to collaborate efficiently on code by providing robust mechanisms for managing changes and versions. A vital aspect of this collaboration resides in the use of remote branches, which serve as pointers to the state of code in a shared repository. Working effectively with remote branches requires a solid understanding of Git commands and workflows. This tutorial is designed to empower developers with that knowledge, progressing from basic to more advanced topics.

Introduction to Remote Branches

A remote branch in Git tracks the state of a branch in a remote repository. The remote repository is typically hosted on a server or a platform like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, making it accessible to multiple users. To interact with remote branches, a user must first clone the repository, which creates a local copy on their machine.

Here’s how you can clone a repository:

git clone

The above command creates a directory ‘repo’ in your current folder, which contains the entire history of the project.

Listing Remote Branches

To list all remote branches that your local git knows about, use:

git branch -r

This will output each remote branch’s name, allowing you to see the branches available for checkout.

Fetching Remote Branches

Before you can work on a remote branch, you need to ensure that your local copies of remote branches are up-to-date. You do this by running:

git fetch origin

The fetch command downloads all the changes from the remote, but doesn’t merge them into your working files. ‘origin’ is the default name given to the remote you cloned from.

Checking Out Remote Branches

If you want to start work on a remote branch, you can check it out as a new local branch using:

git checkout -b new-local-branch origin/remote-branch-name

Replace ‘new-local-branch’ with your desired branch name and ‘remote-branch-name’ with the name of the remote branch. This tells Git to create a new local branch tracking the remote branch.

Pushing to Remote Branches

After making changes locally, you’ll want to share them with the team. The push command uploads your changes:

git push origin your-branch-name

This will upload your local ‘your-branch-name’ to ‘origin’, updating or creating the remote branch as needed.

Merging Changes from Remote Branches

To incorporate changes from a remote branch into your current branch:

git merge origin/remote-branch-name

Always make sure to pull the latest changes before you merge to avoid conflicts.

Deleting Remote Branches

To remove a branch that’s no longer needed:

git push origin --delete remote-branch-name

This safely deletes the ‘remote-branch-name’ from the remote repository.

Working with Pull Requests

Pull requests (or merge requests on some platforms) are not strictly a Git feature but are critical when working with remote branches, especially on hosted repositories. They are a way to propose changes and request code reviews.

git checkout -b feature-branch
... make changes ...
git commit -am "Add a new feature"
git push origin feature-branch

You would then go to your repository’s web page to open a new pull request.

Advanced Operations

For more complex workflows, Git supports rebasing, cherry-picking, and interactive rebases to manage commits in advanced ways. For example, here’s how you could rebase your branch on the latest from ‘main’ to keep it up-to-date:

git checkout your-branch
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/main

This rewrites your branch’s history to appear as if you started from the latest commit on ‘main’.


In this guide, we covered the essentials of working with remote branches in Git, from initial clone to advanced branch management. Mastery of these commands will enable smooth collaboration and code management within a team. Remember: always communicate with your peers when performing actions that affect the remote state to ensure a harmonious workflow.