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Sample Data

Sample data for practice and testing software

Sample Users – Free Fake API for Practicing & Prototyping

Updated: Aug 16, 2023
Most modern web and mobile applications store user information such as name, email, address, interests, profile picture, etc. Sling Academy provides API endpoints with information about 1000 fictitious users for software prototyping,......
Free Sample PDF Files for Learning & Practice

Free Sample PDF Files for Learning & Practice

Updated: Aug 15, 2023
PDF stands for “Portable Document Format”, which is a file format that preserves the visual appearance and formatting of documents across different platforms and devices. This page gives you three different sample PDF files......

Student Scores Sample Data (CSV, JSON, XLSX, XML)

Updated: Aug 15, 2023
This page gives you a dataset that stores information about the performance of senior students of a (very large) fictional high school at the end of their final semester. The dataset can be downloaded and used for educational, analytical,......

Employees Sample Data (CSV and JSON)

Updated: Aug 04, 2023
This article brings to the table sample data of employees in an imaginary software company for the purposes of learning, practicing, or testing software. The data will be in CSV and JSON format for you to choose......

Salaries – Sample CSV Dataset for Practice

Updated: Aug 03, 2023
A small dataset (with about 1000 rows) of the salaries of some hypothetical people for learning, practicing, and testing purposes. A person’s salary will have more or less related to the profession and the person’s......

Customers Sample Data (CSV, JSON, XML, and XLSX)

Updated: Aug 03, 2023
This page gives you a dataset that stores information about fictional customers of an imaginary enterprise for the purposes of learning, practicing, or testing software. The data will be in CSV, JSON, XLSX (Excel), and XML formats for you......

Marketing Campaigns Sample Data (CSV, JSON, XLSX, XML)

Updated: Aug 02, 2023
This article brings to the table sample data of marketing campaigns in an imaginary online business for the purposes of learning, practicing, or testing software. The data will be in CSV, JSON, XLSX (Excel), and XML formats for you to......

Sample Products – Mock REST API for Practice

Updated: Mar 27, 2023
This public, open REST API provides data about 1000 fictional products for learning and testing purposes. You can use it to learn frontend web programming, develop mobile apps, learn to make HTTP requests, or make prototypes or demos for......

Sample Photos – Free Fake REST API for Practice

Updated: Mar 18, 2023
This free mock REST API gives you more than one hundred sample photos for testing, learning, prototyping, and practice (no matter which programming languages or technologies you’re using). Get a List of Photos In order to......

Sample Blog Posts – Public REST API for Practice

Updated: Mar 18, 2023
An open, fast, reliable, and free-to-use RESTful API for testing, learning, and prototyping. It works with all programming languages and technologies. Get a List of Blog Posts Below is the API endpoint to get a list of blog......