FastAPI Security Tutorials

FastAPI is a modern, fast, and powerful Python web framework for building APIs. Security is a crucial aspect of any web application, and FastAPI offers several built-in security features to help developers handle security, authentication, and authorization easily, rapidly, and in a standard way.

Some of the main security features that FastAPI provides are:

  • OAuth2 password flow: a way to authenticate users with a username and password and generate a token that can be used to access protected endpoints.
  • OAuth2 scopes: a way to define different levels of permissions for different users or roles.
  • HTTP basic authentication: a simple but secure way to authenticate users with a username and password using HTTP headers.
  • API keys: an application-specific key that can be used to access protected endpoints using query parameters, headers, or cookies.
  • Dependencies: a way to declare reusable functions that can check the security requirements before executing the main logic of an endpoint.

Let’s explore them and other things related to securing your FastAPI applications in this series of tutorials.

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