Python Asynchronous Programming Tutorials

Asynchronous programming in Python allows for concurrent execution of tasks, enabling non-blocking operations and efficient utilization of resources. It utilizes async and await keywords to manage and coordinate asynchronous operations, such as network requests, without blocking the program’s execution.

This series of tutorials will provide explanations and practical code examples about asynchronous programming and tasks related to it in Python, in order from basic to advanced, from simple to complex.

1 Python asyncio: What are coroutines and event loops?

2 Python function (with examples)

3 Python: Using async/await with loops (for & while loops)

4 Python asyncio.sleep() function (with examples)

5 Python asyncio.create_task() function (with examples)

6 Python asyncio.wait_for() function (with examples)

7 Python asyncio.gather() function (with examples)

8 Python async/await and timeouts (with examples)

9 Python asyncio.loop.run_until_complete() function (with examples)

10 Python: How to Define and Call Asynchronous Functions

11 Python: Handling exceptions when using async/await

12 Python: Using the result returned by an async function (4 examples)

13 Python asyncio.Runner() context manager (with examples)

14 Python asyncio.Semaphore class (with examples)

15 Python: Running a function periodically with asyncio

16 Python asyncio.wait() function (with examples)

17 Python asyncio.as_completed() function (with examples)

18 Python asyncio.Queue class (with 3 examples)

19 Python: Using the "yield" keyword with async/await (3 examples)

20 Python asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe() function (with examples)

21 Python: Using async/await with class methods (3 examples)

22 Python: Defining a class with an async constructor (3 ways)

23 Python asyncio.loop.run_in_executor() method (3 examples)

24 Python asyncio: Run a task at a certain time every day (2 examples)

25 Python asyncio.loop.create_server() method (with examples)

26 Python: Add a coroutine to an already running event loop

27 Understanding thread-safe in Python: Explained with examples

28 Python Stream: asyncio.open_connection() function explained (with examples)

29 Python Steam: How to start a socket server with asyncio.start_server()

30 2 Ways to Create a Future Object in Python

31 Python asyncio.StreamReader: A Practical Guide (with examples)

32 Python asyncio: Adding schedule callbacks to a Future

33 Python asyncio.StreamWriter: A Practical Guide (with examples)

34 Python: How to return a value from a Future

35 Python sqlite3: Using dataclass to validate data before inserting

36 Python: How to convert a Future to a Task – Examples

37 Python: Convert callback-based functions to async functions

38 Python Stream: asyncio.open_connection() function explained (with examples)

39 How to run Python code in multi-core CPUs using asyncio

40 Python asyncio: How to download a list of files sequentially

41 Python asyncio: How to download a list of files in parallel

42 Python asyncio: How to download a large file and show progress (percentage)

43 Python: How to create your own asyncio TCP server (and test it using cURL)

44 Python: How to type hint asynchronous functions

45 Python: When you should NOT use asyncio

46 Python: How to define and call async generator functions

47 Understanding asyncio.Lock in Python: Explained with examples

48 Python: Why you cannot call multiple times and what are the alternatives

49 Understanding asyncio.Barrier in Python: Explained with examples

50 Fixing Python aiohttp Error 'Could Not Build Wheels'

51 Exploring asyncio.Event in Python (through examples)

52 Python asyncio program to run a shell command and get the result

53 Python Asyncio RuntimeError: Event Loop is Closed - Fixing Guide

54 Python asyncio: What is a subprocess and how to use it

55 Python Asyncio RuntimeError: Cannot Close a Running Event Loop

56 Python: A closer look at asyncio.create_subprocess_exec() function

57 A list of popular Python libraries that use asyncio

58 Python asyncio: How to control and communicate with subprocesses

59 Python asyncio: How to stop/kill a child process

60 Python asyncio: How to list all tasks that are not done

61 Python asyncio: How to prevent a task from being canceled

62 Python: Using asyncio.timeout_at() to set a 'deadline' for a task

63 Python asyncio: How to set name for a task to get it later

64 Python asyncio: How to run a function in a separate thread

65 Python asyncio: How to determine the currently running task

66 Python asyncio: How to know if a task is cancelled

67 Python asyncio: Determine the current thread where the event loop is running

68 Python: Using asyncio.TaskGroup to manage a group of tasks

69 Python asyncio priority queue: Running tasks in a specific order

70 Python asyncio: Display a loading indicator in the terminal while waiting for a task to complete

71 Python error: cannot be called from a running event loop

72 Python asyncio: How to limit the number of concurrent tasks

73 Python: Using async functions with the ‘WITH’ statement

74 Solving Python asyncio error: object dict can't be used in 'await' expression

75 Python: How to clean up resources when an event loop is interrupted

76 Python: Using 'async for' to iterate over an asynchronous iterator

77 Python: Using ‘async with’ to manage resources in an asynchronous context

78 Python asyncio: How to simulate JavaScript promise chaining

79 Python asyncio – Task Wrapping Examples (basic to advanced)

80 Python RuntimeWarning: Coroutine Was Never Awaited [Solved]

81 Python: Handling asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError gracefully

82 Python SyntaxError: 'await' outside async function

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