Django Warning: You have X unapplied migration(s)

Updated: January 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering the warning ‘You have X unapplied migration(s)’ when working with Django can be an alarming message for beginners as well as a nudge for seasoned developers. This blog post is designed to demystify migrations in Django, outline common reasons for this warning and provide practical solutions to ensure a seamless development experience. We’ll cover how migrations work, how to apply and reverse them, and how to resolve various issues related to unapplied migrations.

Understanding Migrations in Django

Migrations in Django are a way of propagating changes you make to your models (adding a field, deleting a model, etc.) into your database schema. They are designed to be mostly automatic, but you need to know when and how to use them, as Django won’t apply them for you automatically – it’s a decision you should always make consciously.

Django keeps track of changes through a system of migration files – these files are stored in the ‘migrations’ folder within each Django application. Migrations are applied using the ‘migrate’ management command and are created using the ‘makemigrations’ management command.

Applied vs. Unapplied Migrations

An unapplied migration is a migration that has been generated but not yet executed to update the database schema. The warning ‘You have X unapplied migration(s)’ is a prompt that informs you that there are changes in your code base that have not yet been reflected in the database.

Inspecting Migrations

Before diving into applying migrations, it’s helpful to inspect what migrations are pending. Use the following command:

python showmigrations

This will list all your migration files and show which ones are applied (marked with an ‘X’) and which are not (blank).

Applying Migrations

When you’re ready to update your database schema, you would execute:

python migrate

This applies all unapplied migrations to your database. If there are dependencies among migrations, Django intelligently applies them in the necessary order.

Creating Migrations

If you have changed your models and want to generate migration files, use:

python makemigrations

This will create new migration files based on the changes you’ve made to your models.

Why Am I Seeing This Warning?

You might see the ‘unapplied migration(s)’ warning for a few reasons:

  • You have created new models or updated existing ones, and generated the migration files, but haven’t yet applied them.
  • You have pulled changes from a version control system that include new migrations added by other developers.
  • A previous migration failed and needs to be fixed before applying successive migrations.

Handling Unapplied Migrations

When facing the mentioned warning, the most straight-forward approach is to simply apply the migrations.

However, let’s consider more nuanced scenarios:

If You Cannot Apply Migrations Right Away

If, for some reason, applying the migrations is not possible or desirable immediately (perhaps you’re in the middle of a development task), you’ll want to suppress the warning temporarily. While this is not generally recommended, you can fake the migrations if absolutely necessary:

python migrate --fake

Handling Failed Migrations

Unapplied migrations may also result from a previous migration that failed. In this situation, you have to:

  1. Fix the errors in your schema or the migration files.
  2. Re-run the migrations.

Or, if appropriate, you could delete the problematic migration files, make necessary changes to your models, and then re-run ‘makemigrations’.

Reverting Migrations

If a migration is applied that you wish to reverse, you can roll back migrations:

python migrate <app_name> <previous_migration>

Or to revert all migrations for an application:

python migrate <app_name> zero

Keeping Your Migrations Healthy

Good practices to prevent migration warnings and issues:

  • Run ‘makemigrations’ and ‘migrate’ regularly after model changes.
  • Create separate migrations for groups of changes that are logically connected. This can help prevent complex dependencies and makes it easier to identify which migration might be causing a problem.
  • Before applying migrations, ensure that all the prerequisites (like updated packages and environment variables) are in place.
  • Use version control such as git to manage and share migration files among team members, thus ensuring that everyone’s development environment is kept in sync.


The warning ‘You have X unapplied migration(s)’ is a reminder to keep track of your changes and apply them methodically for the health of your Django project’s database schema. By understanding, creating, applying, and maintaining migrations in Django, you ensure database consistency and prevent potential issues related to schema mismatch. Whenever changes in the model occur, be vigilant about making and applying migrations and include good migration workflows as part of your regular development practices.