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Swift: Access and Update Values in a Dictionary

Last updated: May 08, 2023

Accessing values in a Swift dictionary

To access values in a Swift dictionary, you need to use the key as a subscript, such as dictionary[key]. This will return an optional value, which you can unwrap using if let or guard let statements.


let products = [
    "iPhone 14": 699.00,
    "iPhone 14 Pro": 999.00,
    "iPhone 14 Pro Max": 1099.00,
    "iPhone 15": 699.00,

let iPhone14Price = products["iPhone 14"]
if(iPhone14Price != nil) {
    print("The iPhone 14 costs \(iPhone14Price!)")
} else {
    print("The iPhone 14 is not available")


The iPhone 14 costs 699.0

If the value is a sub-dictionary or an array, you need to cast it to the appropriate type before accessing its elements.


let data: [String: Any] = ["name": "John", "scores": [10, 20, 30]]
if let scores = data["scores"] as? [Int] {
    print("The first score is \(scores[0])")
} else {
    print("There are no scores")


The first score is 10

Updating the value of a key in a dictionary

Using the updateValue(_:forKey:) method

When calling the updateValue(_:forKey:) method on a dictionary, it will return the old value if the key exists or nil if a new key-value pair is added.


var websites = [
    "": "A place to learn programming",
    "": "Public REST API for developers",

let oldValue = websites.updateValue(
    "A place to learn Swift",
    forKey: ""



  "": "Public REST API for developers", 
  "": "A place to learn Swift"

Using the subscript syntax

The subscript syntax can be used to assign a new value to an existing key in a dictionary.


var websites = [
    "": "A place to learn programming",
    "": "Public REST API for developers",

websites[""] = "A place to learn Swift"


  "": "A place to learn Swift", 
  "": "Public REST API for developers"

Next Article: Swift: Adding new key-value pairs to a dictionary

Previous Article: Swift: Counting Elements in a Dictionary

Series: Collection data types in Swift


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