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Pandas NameError: name ‘null’ is not defined

Last updated: February 22, 2024

The Problem

When working with data in Python using the Pandas library, one might encounter various errors that halt the progress of data manipulation and analysis. One such common hiccup is the NameError: name ‘null’ is not defined. This error typically arises when Python doesn’t recognize null as a defined name within the code context. In Pandas, this error can prevent you from effectively cleaning or manipulating your data. Understanding the causes and knowing the solutions to fix this issue is crucial for every data analyst or scientist.

Reasons for the Error

There are several reasons why you might encounter this error in Pandas:

  • Using null directly in your code without proper definition or context.
  • Mistaking Python’s None keyword with null, which is not natively recognized by Python.
  • Getting confused with other programming languages’ syntax for representing null values (such as JavaScript’s null).

Solution 1: Use Python’s None

Since null is not recognized by Python, the direct and straightforward solution is to use Python’s None keyword to represent null values. None is the Python equivalent of null in other languages.


  1. Review your code to find instances where null is used.
  2. Replace null with None.
  3. Test your code to confirm the error is resolved.

Code example:

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, None, 3]}) 


   A 0  1.0 1  NaN 2  3.0 

This solution substitutes null with the correct Python null value representation, None, efficiently resolving the error.

Solution 2: Use Pandas isnull() or notnull()

If your objective is to check for null values within a DataFrame, Pandas provides specific methods like isnull() and notnull() to accomplish this task efficiently. Using these methods correctly can help you avoid attempting to use null directly.

Steps to follow:

  1. Determine where null value checks are needed in your DataFrame.
  2. Replace cases where you might be tempted to use null with isnull() or notnull() functions.
  3. Run and test your code to ensure the logic behaves as expected.

Code example:

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, None, 3]}) 


0  False 
1   True 
2  False 

This approach not only addresses the specific error but also makes your code more Pythonic by using the built-in functionalities of Pandas.

Solution 3: Understanding and Converting Data Types

Occasionally, a NameError can stem from mistaken data type handling. Ensuring that data types are correctly understood and manipulated in Pandas can sometimes prevent this error, especially if null was used intending to handle missing data or NaN values.


  1. Understand the data type of the column or columns where null was applied.
  2. Utilize Pandas functions like fillna() or dropna() as applicable, based on your data manipulation needs.
  3. Test your DataFrame operations to confirm that the NameError no longer occurs.

Code example:

import pandas as pd 

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1.0, 'null', 3.0]}) 
df['A'] = pd.to_numeric(df['A'], errors='coerce') 


0    1.0 
1    NaN 
2    3.0 

This technique is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex data types or datasets requiring a nuanced approach to null value handling.


Correctly managing and manipulating data with Pandas is essential to the workflow of data analysts and scientists. Understanding the causes behind and solutions to errors like NameError: name ‘null’ is not defined is key to maintaining productivity and ensuring accurate data analysis. Implementing the presented solutions can help resolve this error, further empowering users to handle their data with confidence.

Next Article: Pandas Error: NDFrame.asof() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘columns’

Previous Article: Pandas/NumPy ValueError: Shape of passed values is (a, b), indices imply (c, d)

Series: Solving Common Errors in Pandas


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