Understanding DataFrame.asfreq() method in Pandas (6 examples)

Updated: February 24, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Data manipulation and analysis in Python are streamlined by several powerful libraries, with Pandas being one of the most prevalent due to its ease of use and efficiency in handling large datasets. This tutorial delves into the asfreq() method of the Pandas DataFrame, providing a comprehensive understanding through six practical examples.

The asfreq() method is essential for time series data manipulation, allowing you to convert a time series to a specified frequency. Whether you are dealing with financial, weather, or any other forms of time series data, understanding how to effectively use this method can significantly augment your data manipulation capabilities.


To follow this tutorial, you should have:

  • A basic understanding of Python programming.
  • An installation of Pandas. If not, you can install it using pip install pandas.
  • A basic understanding of time series data.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Initially, let’s see how asfreq() works in its most basic form. Suppose we have a simple time series DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

dates = pd.date_range('2023-01-01', periods=5, freq='D')
data = {'value': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=dates)

This code generates the following DataFrame:

2023-01-01     10
2023-01-02     20
2023-01-03     30
2023-01-04     40
2023-01-05     50

Now, we’ll apply asfreq() to change the frequency to bi-daily:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('2D')

The output will be:

2023-01-01     10
2023-01-03     30
2023-01-05     50

This is a simple demonstration of frequency change using asfreq().

Example 2: Filling Missing Data

When changing frequency, you may encounter missing data for some dates. The asfreq() method provides options to fill these gaps. Suppose we adjust the frequency of our initial DataFrame to daily, with some days missing:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('B', fill_value=0)


2023-01-01     10
2023-01-02     20
2023-01-03     30
2023-01-04     40
2023-01-05     50
2023-01-06      0
2023-01-07      0

In this example, we have filled the missing dates with a value of 0 using fill_value=0.

Example 3: Business Day Frequency

For financial and business data analysis, converting data to a business day frequency is common. Let’s convert our DataFrame to a business day (B) frequency:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('B')

This will exclude weekends and align the dataset with business days, making analysis more relevant for financial datasets.

Example 4: Custom Frequencies

Pandas allows for complex custom frequencies. For example, you can specify the first business day of the month. Let’s apply a custom frequency to our DataFrame:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('BMS')


2023-01-02     20

This method selected only the first business day of the month from our dataset.

Example 5: Upsampling and Interpolation

When increasing the frequency of your dataset (upsampling), you may want to interpolate the missing values rather than just filling them with a static value. Using the interpolate() method in conjunction with asfreq() allows for smoother transitions between data points. Here’s how:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('12H').interpolate() 


2023-01-01 00:00:00   10.0
2023-01-01 12:00:00   15.0
2023-01-02 00:00:00   20.0

This output demonstrates interpolated values at a 12-hour frequency between the original data points.

Example 6: Anchored Offsets

Time series data sometimes require specific date ranges to be aligned with particular anchors. For instance, financial quarters or fiscal years. Pandas supports anchored offsets to manage these needs efficiently. Here’s an example of changing the frequency to align with the end of each quarter:

df_asfreq = df.asfreq('Q')


2023-03-31     40

This method aligns our dates with the end of the quarter periods.


Throughout these examples, we’ve seen how asfreq() can be used to adjust the frequency of time series data in Pandas. The method is exceptionally versatile, accommodating a wide range of time series manipulations from simple frequency changes to more complex custom frequencies. Mastering asfreq() can greatly facilitate the management and analysis of time series data within your projects.