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Pandas: Reading a CSV file with a custom delimiter

Last updated: February 21, 2024


When working with data in Python, the Pandas library stands out as a powerful tool for data manipulation and analysis. One of the most common tasks any data scientist or analyst will encounter is the need to read data from a CSV file. While many CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files use commas to separate individual fields, it’s not uncommon to come across files that use a different delimiter such as a tab, semicolon, or even a space. Fortunately, Pandas provides a straightforward way to deal with such files.

Understanding the read_csv Function

The pd.read_csv function is the first step to grasp in reading data into a Pandas DataFrame. This function is incredibly versatile, allowing you to specify numerous parameters to correctly parse your CSV file, including the delimiter. Let’s start with the basic syntax for reading a CSV file with a custom delimiter.

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('yourfile.csv', delimiter=';')

In the example above, we’ve specified the delimiter as a semicolon (;). This will correctly parse a CSV file where fields are separated by semicolons instead of commas.

Specifying the Delimiter

The delimiter parameter is crucial when dealing with CSV files that do not adhere to the standard comma separation. Let’s look at different examples where specifying the delimiter is necessary.

Using a Tab as a Delimiter

data = pd.read_csv('tab_delimited_file.csv', delimiter='\t')

Note the use of '\t' for a tab character. This is crucial for properly parsing tab-separated values (TSV) files.

Using a Space as a Delimiter

data = pd.read_csv('space_delimited_file.csv', delimiter=' ')

Sometimes, CSV files might use spaces to separate values. This requires setting the delimiter to a single space character.

Reading CSV Files with Multiple Delimiters

Advanced data parsing scenarios might involve handling CSV files with varying delimiters within the same file. While the read_csv function does not natively support multiple delimiters, you can utilize regular expressions to achieve this functionality.

import re
data = pd.read_csv('multi_delim_file.csv', delimiter=re.compile('\t|,|;'))

The regular expression \t|,|; informs Pandas to treat tabs, commas, and semicolons as delimiters.

Handling Header Rows

Often, CSV files come with a header row that defines the names of each column. The read_csv function can automatically detect and use this row as column names. However, you can also manually set or ignore the header row.

data = pd.read_csv('file_with_header.csv', delimiter=',', header=0)

To skip the header row, you would set header=None.

Custom Naming the Columns

In cases where your CSV file doesn’t have a header row, or you prefer to define your own column names, Pandas allows you to specify column names directly using the names parameter.

data = pd.read_csv('custom_name.csv', delimiter=',', names=['ID', 'Name', 'Age', 'Country'])

Skipping Rows

Another useful parameter in read_csv is skiprows, which allows you to skip a certain number of rows at the beginning of the file. This is particularly useful when your CSV file contains metadata or other non-data rows at the top.

data = pd.read_csv('skip_rows.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=2)


Pandas’ read_csv function is a flexible tool that enables you to handle a wide variety of CSV files by specifying a custom delimiter among other parameters. Whether working with simple CSVs or more complex datasets involving different delimiters, Pandas offers the functionality to read and process the data efficiently. Mastering the use of the read_csv function is an essential skill for anyone working with data in Python.

Next Article: Pandas: Reading a CSV file with different number of columns in each row

Previous Article: Pandas: Perform ‘SELF JOIN’ on a single DataFrame (4 examples)

Series: DateFrames in Pandas


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