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TypeScript TypeError: Object doesn’t support property or method

Last updated: January 08, 2024

The Problem

TypeScript is a popular language that provides static typing on top of JavaScript, which can improve the performance and maintainability of larger code bases. However, even with TypeScript in your artillery, you can still encounter issues that might leave you scratching your head. One common issue that may arise is a TypeError, accompanied by a message that states: ‘Object doesn’t support property or method.’ This can be a troubling and confusing error, but fear not; armed with the right knowledge and strategies, you can conquer it easily.

Solution 1: Check Runtime Environment

One of the reasons that this error may occur is because you are calling a method that is not supported by the runtime environment. This is common when you have a mismatch between your development environment and your production environment, or if you’re targeting an outdated browser that doesn’t support modern JavaScript methods.

  • Examine the compatibility of the method you’re using on the environment or browser you’re targeting.
  • If the method is not supported, look for polyfills or transpiler configurations that enable support for that method.
  • Use a service like ‘Babel’ to transpile your TypeScript code to be compatible with older browsers.


// Example using babel to transpile
// Install babel-cli and preset-env
npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env
// Configure Babel to target older browsers
  "presets": [
    ["env", {
      "targets": {
        "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "safari \">= 7"]
// Transpile your code
npx babel source.js --out-file output.js

Using polyfills or transpilers can increase file size and potentially affect performance. However, ensuring compatibility is typically worth this trade-off.

Advantages: Broadens browser compatibility.
Limitations: May introduce additional build steps and complexity.

Solution 2: Correctly Type the Object

Another reason you might run into this error is because of incorrectly typed objects. If TypeScript expects a certain type, but the object associated with it does not have the properties or methods expected, this error could occur.

  • Start by examining the object’s type definition you’re calling the method on.
  • Adjust the type definition if it does not properly describe the runtime object.
  • Ensure the type you are using matches the object provided by a library if you’re using one.


// Correctly typing an object
interface MyObject {
  myMethod: () => void;

function useMyObject(obj: MyObject) {

const obj = {
  myMethod: function() { console.log('Method called'); }

useMyObject(obj);  // Works correctly

The advantage of correctly typing objects is improved code reliability and tooling support. A potential drawback is the increased complexity in correctly typing complex structures.

Solution 3: Ensure Correct Scope and Binding

Another common cause of the error is an incorrect ‘this’ context. The ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript can be tricky, especially when dealing with callback functions or when passing methods as arguments.

  • Check the use of ‘this’ in the method that is causing the error.
  • If ‘this’ should refer to an object, make sure the method is called with appropriate context using functions like ‘bind’, ‘call’, or ‘apply’.


// Ensuring 'this' context is correct
const myObject = {
  myMethod: function() { console.log(this); }

const incorrectCall = myObject.myMethod;
incorrectCall(); // Error: 'this' is undefined or window

const correctCall = myObject.myMethod.bind(myObject);
correctCall(); // Correct: 'this' refers to myObject

This solution ensures methods are called with the correct context. One drawback is the need to be conscious about the scope and context when writing functions, which can complicate the codebase.


The solutions provided will give you a solid action plan to identify and solve the ‘Object doesn’t support property or method’ error in TypeScript. With careful debugging and understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript’s nuances, this once-dreaded error message can be swiftly dealt with. Ensure to test your solutions thoroughly and remember to compile your TypeScript code before testing it in the browser. By following these strategies, you can confidently overcome this common, yet pesky TypeScript challenge.

Next Article: TypeScript error: ‘ts-node’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

Previous Article: TypeScript Error Fix: The Types Have No Overlap

Series: TypeScript: Intermediate & Advanced Tutorials


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