AND & OR Operators in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy is a powerful SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python. Understanding how to use logical operators like AND and OR is crucial for building complex queries. This tutorial provides insights into their usage with illustrative examples.

Basic Usage of AND

The AND operator is used to combine multiple conditions in SQLAlchemy. It’s essential when you need a query to meet several criteria simultaneously. The following example shows a basic AND operation:

from sqlalchemy import and_

# Assuming we have a Users model and a session
result = session.query(Users).filter(and_( == 'John', Users.age > 30)).all()

This query retrieves all users named John who are also older than 30.

Using Multiple Filter Calls

SQLAlchemy allows chaining multiple filter calls, which implicitly uses the AND operator:

result = session.query(Users).filter( == 'John').filter(Users.age > 30).all()

This will yield the same result as the previous code snippet.

Implementing OR Operations

To express OR conditions, SQLAlchemy provides the or_ function. Here’s a simple example:

from sqlalchemy import or_

result = session.query(Users).filter(or_( == 'John', Users.age < 20)).all()

The above code will select users who are either named John or are younger than 20 years old.

Combining AND and OR

For more complex queries involving both AND and OR, you can combine these operations:

from sqlalchemy import and_, or_

result = session.query(Users).filter(and_(Users.is_active, or_( == 'John', Users.age < 20))).all()

This retrieves active users named John or active users who are below 20.

Using the Query API

Apart from the explicit and_ and or_ functions, you can use the query API’s inbuilt operators for cleaner code:

result = session.query(Users).filter(( == 'John') | (Users.age < 20)).all()

result = session.query(Users).filter(( == 'John') & (Users.age > 30)).all()

In the first line ‘|’, represents OR, while ‘&’, represents AND.

Advanced SQLAlchemy Query Composition

SQLAlchemy shines when dealing with complex queries. Below is an advanced example using both AND and OR with join operations:

from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy import and_, or_

result = session.query(Users).options(joinedload(Users.posts)).filter(and_(Users.is_active, or_( == 'John', and_(Users.age < 20, Users.posts.any())))).all()

This query fetches active users who are either named John or are younger than 20 with at least one post.

Error Handling

When working with logical operators, it’s important to handle potential errors, such as those caused by null values or mistyped field names. Use exception handling (try/cactch blocks) to cover such cases.

Optimization Tips

Using AND and OR operators may lead to complex queries that can be slow. Indexing columns, analyzing query plans, or even denormalizing your database could be solutions to consider for optimization.

Using Aliases and Subqueries

For optimizing performance in complex scenarios, you can use aliases and subqueries within SQLAlchemy:

from sqlalchemy.sql import alias, select

subq = select([]).where( == 'John').alias()
result = session.query(Users).filter(

Your query is now optimized using a subquery.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored the basics and advanced usage of the AND and OR operators in SQLAlchemy. Understanding these fundamentals is vital for creating efficient queries. Remember to test your queries and keep an eye on performance, especially with more complex conditions involving multiple logical operators.