Solving SQLAlchemy ‘InstrumentedList’ Error: ‘filter’ Attribute Issues

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working on a project with SQLAlchemy, it’s not uncommon to encounter error messages that can sometimes be confusing. One such problem is when you get an error that says ‘InstrumentedList’ object has no attribute ‘filter’. This message indicates that you are trying to use the filter method on a collection already loaded into memory as an ‘InstrumentedList’ object, rather than querying the database session.

Solution 1: Use List Comprehensions

Description: A Pythonic way to filter ‘InstrumentedList’ objects involves using list comprehensions to directly process the list of items in memory rather than querying the database.

  1. Obtain the InstrumentedList instance which contains the objects that you wish to filter.
  2. Define conditions to filter items using a list comprehension.
  3. Store filtered results in a new variable.


# Assuming items is an InstrumentedList instance and we are looking for items with attribute 'name' matching 'desired_name'
filtered_items = [item for item in items if == 'desired_name']


  • Immediate operation on data already loaded in memory
  • No additional database calls
  • Pythonic and easy to read


  • Not suitable for large collections due to memory consumption
  • Lacks the optimizations of an SQL query

Solution 2: Query with Relationship Criteria

Description: Use the SQLAlchemy ORM to query the database for the items using the relationship backref and the filter method.

  1. Session should be active.
  2. Use the session’s query method to select from the parent model.
  3. Add a filter criterion that uses the relationship attribute along with the specific filter condition.


from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

session = Session()
# Assume 'Parent' is the parent model and 'children' is the relationship to the child models
# Also assume we have some condition like == 'desired_name'
filtered_children = session.query(Parent).join(Parent.children).filter( == 'desired_name').all()


  • Leverages the power and optimizations of SQL
  • Suitable for large datasets
  • Retrieves only the filtered data, reducing memory usage


  • Requires an active database session
  • Generates additional database traffic if data is already loaded

Solution 3: Use Hybrid Attributes

Description: Define a hybrid property in your SQLAlchemy model to simulate column-like behavior on InstrumentedList objects, allowing you to filter them in a more integrated manner.

  1. Add a hybrid property to the model class.
  2. Use this property to apply filter conditions directly.


from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

class Child(Base):
    def is_desired_name(self):
        return == 'desired_name'

# You can now filter using the hybrid property
filtered_items = [item for item in parent.children if item.is_desired_name]


  • Integrated within the model class
  • Allows for Pythonic filtering while maintaining clarity


  • May be less efficient than a direct SQL query for large collections
  • Hybrid attributes can become complex for advanced conditions


In conclusion, the ‘InstrumentedList’ object filtering error signifies an attempt to use SQL-like querying on a pre-loaded set of objects in memory. Depending on the situation, list comprehensions can offer a quick fix, while querying with relationship criteria is more suitable for handling larger data sets with more complex filtering needs. For a more seamless model integration, the use of hybrid properties can be considered. It is important to choose a method that best suits the performance and complexity requirements of your particular application.