SQLAlchemy: OFFSET and LIMIT Clauses

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we’ll learn to control the rows returned from a query using the OFFSET and LIMIT clauses in SQLAlchemy, the Python SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library.

Understanding OFFSET and LIMIT

The LIMIT clause is used to constrain the number of rows returned by a SQL query. When combined with the OFFSET clause, it provides a means to paginate through a set of results, by allowing you to specify a starting point (the offset) and the number of records to return (the limit).

SQLAlchemy abstracts SQL expressions in Pythonic constructs, enabling you to use these clauses without writing raw SQL queries. Let’s see how we can apply these clauses using SQLAlchemy’s ORM and expression language.

Basic Usage

The following examples demonstrate the use of LIMIT and OFFSET in SQLAlchemy:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from yourapp.models import YourModel

# Setup your SQLAlchemy engine and session
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///yourdatabase.db')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

# Fetch the first 10 objects from YourModel
first_ten_rows = session.query(YourModel).limit(10).all()

# Skip the first 5 objects and then fetch 10
next_ten_rows = session.query(YourModel).offset(5).limit(10).all()

Advanced Usage

For more complex scenarios, you might need to combine LIMIT and OFFSET with order by clauses and filters. Here are some examples:

# with ordering
ordered_rows = session.query(YourModel).order_by(YourModel.some_column).offset(5).limit(10).all()

# with filter
filtered_limited_rows = session.query(YourModel).filter(YourModel.another_column == 'some_value').limit(10).all()

Dynamic Pagination

To create dynamic pagination, you can use LIMIT and OFFSET with user-supplied parameters. Here’s how:

page_number = 2
items_per_page = 10

paginated_rows = session.query(YourModel).offset((page_number - 1) * items_per_page).limit(items_per_page).all()

Dealing with Results

After querying with LIMIT and OFFSET, it’s often necessary to handle the returned objects carefully, as it affects the performance of your application. For example, batch operations can be optimized by fetching and processing in chunks.

Counting Total Records

To inform users of total available records/entities, which is common in pagination, you’ll need to fetch the count. SQLAlchemy allows you to do this efficiently with a separate query:

total_count = session.query(func.count(YourModel.id)).scalar()

Error Handling

When working with pagination, be sure to handle errors and edge cases. For instance, you should handle cases where OFFSET is beyond the total number of records, or invalid (negative) limits are provided.

Combining with Query Options

SQLAlchemy provides additional query options like join, group_by, and others which you can combine with LIMIT and OFFSET:

# An example combining join and limit
joined_limited_rows = session.query(YourModel).join(RelatedModel).limit(10).all()

Hints to SQL Performance

Bear in mind that the use of LIMIT and OFFSET in queries can affect your database performance. Proper indexing is crucial, especially for offsetting into a large number of rows.


LIMIT and OFFSET clauses are essential for controlling query results in SQLAlchemy, facilitating features like pagination. They enable smooth user experiences and practical data management. By following the patterns and examples provided in this tutorial, you will be able to efficiently manipulate data sets in SQL databases through SQLAlchemy.