SQLAlchemy GROUP BY: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Master the intricacies of the GROUP BY clause with SQLAlchemy in this step-by-step guide packed with hands-on examples that span basic to advanced usage scenarios.

Gaining a solid understanding of the GROUP BY statement is crucial when you’re dealing with relational databases. GROUP BY plays a fundamental role in aggregating data based on specific columns. This guide will explain how to implement GROUP BY in SQLAlchemy, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python that provides a high-level interface to databases.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we deep-dive into GROUP BY, let’s set up a sample database using SQLAlchemy. We’ll require the following tools:

  • Python installed on your machine
  • SQLAlchemy library (Install using pip: pip install sqlalchemy)
  • A database engine (SQLite will be used in this example)

To begin, import the necessary modules and establish a connection to the database:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, func
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///group_by.db', echo=False)
Base = declarative_base()

# Define a sample table
class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    age = Column(Integer)
    registration_date = Column(DateTime)


# Create a session
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

Once the environment and table are set up, we can proceed to explore the GROUP BY clause.

Simple GROUP BY Queries

The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values in specified columns, often to perform some type of aggregation. Let’s add some mock data to work with:

# Add sample users
    User(name='Alice', age=30, registration_date='2023-01-01'),
    User(name='Bob', age=40, registration_date='2023-01-02'),
    User(name='Charlie', age=30, registration_date='2023-01-03'),
    User(name='David', age=40, registration_date='2023-01-01'),

Now we’ll start with a basic group by example to count how many users are of each age:

from sqlalchemy import func

# Group users by age and count each group
users_grouped_by_age = session.query(User.age, func.count(User.id)).group_by(User.age).all()
for age_group in users_grouped_by_age:
    print(f'Age: {age_group.age}, Count: {age_group[1]}')

This code will output the number of users grouped by their age.

Expanding the GROUP BY Query

Moving beyond basic counting, GROUP BY can be used with additional aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN. Suppose we want to find the average age of users who registered on the same date:

# Group users by registration date and calculate the average age
avg_age_by_reg_date = session.query(User.registration_date, func.avg(User.age).label('average_age')).group_by(User.registration_date).all()
for data in avg_age_by_reg_date:
    print(f'Date: {data.registration_date}, Average Age: {data.average_age:.2f}')

This query aggregates user ages and averages them per registration date group.

GROUP BY with JOIN Operations

To demonstrate a more complex scenario, we can introduce a new table to represent user purchases and then join this table with our users:

# Define a new Purchases table
class Purchase(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'purchases'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(Integer)
    item = Column(String)
    price = Column(Integer)
    purchase_date = Column(DateTime)

# Add some purchases
    Purchase(user_id=1, item='Book', price=20, purchase_date='2023-01-10'),
    Purchase(user_id=2, item='Pen', price=3, purchase_date='2023-01-10'),
    Purchase(user_id=1, item='Notebook', price=5, purchase_date='2023-01-11'),
    # ...add more purchases

With the new data in place, let’s group the number of items purchased by each user:

# Group purchases by user
user_purchases = session.query(User.name, func.count(Purchase.id).label('total_purchases'))\
    .join(Purchase, User.id == Purchase.user_id)\
for purchase in user_purchases:
    print(f'User: {purchase.name}, Total Purchases: {purchase.total_purchases}')

This query will show us how many items each user has purchased.

Advanced GROUP BY with HAVING Clauses

In some cases, you may want to filter the results of a GROUP BY. This is where the HAVING clause comes in. For instance, we might want to identify users who have made purchases totaling over a certain amount:

# Filter groups by the sum of purchases
high_spenders = session.query(User.name, func.sum(Purchase.price).label('total_spent'))\
    .join(Purchase, User.id == Purchase.user_id)\
    .having(func.sum(Purchase.price) > 50)\
for spender in high_spenders:
    print(f'User: {spender.name}, Total Spent: {spender.total_spent}')

This resulting list of users will only include those who have spent more than $50.


Throughout this guide, we delved into the powerful GROUP BY clause in SQLAlchemy, exploring various examples that demonstrate its utility in grouping and aggregating data efficiently. Whether performing simple groupings or advanced queries with joins and having clauses, SQLAlchemy provides a robust and versatile toolset for working with grouped data in Python. As you become more acquainted with these commands, they’ll become invaluable tools in your data analysis and manipulation toolkit.