How to enable/disable caching in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Caching in SQLAlchemy can improve the performance of database applications by reducing the number of round-trips to the database server. Proper caching strategies can lead to significant efficiency gains. However, managing caching is crucial as stale data might lead to inconsistencies within the application.

Understanding Caching

Before diving into the specifics of SQLAlchemy, let’s briefly look at what caching is and why it’s important. Caching involves storing copies of data in a temporary storage area, which provides faster data access on subsequent requests. It’s particularly beneficial for data that doesn’t change often but is read frequently.

SQLAlchemy’s Approach to Caching

SQLAlchemy doesn’t have a built-in caching mechanism per se, rather it allows third-party libraries or custom implementations to handle caching. This design choice ensures flexibility but requires additional setup from the developer.

Enabling Basic Query Caching

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker()
session = Session()

my_query = session.query(MyModel).

This code snippet demonstrates the most rudimentary example of leveraging a cache in SQLAlchemy. Here, ‘from_cache’ would be a custom query option in disjunction with a third-party library like ‘dogpile.cache’.

Advanced Caching: Cache Regions and Invalidation

More complex scenarios require implementing cache regions, which can be divided differently, depending on access patterns, freshness requirements, and other considerations. Cache invalidation ensures that outdated data is refreshed when necessary.

# Configure Cache Regions using Dogpile cache
from dogpile.cache import make_region

region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memcached',
arguments={'url': 'localhost:11211'}) # Using regions in queries result = session.query(MyModel). options(FromCache(region, 'my_region_key')). first()

Implementing caching at this level allows fine-grained control over how different sets of data are cached and how long they persist before expiration.

Disabling Caching

There might be cases where you need fresh data for every transaction; this requires disabling caching temporarily or permanently for certain operations or models.

from sqlalchemy.orm import Query

# Disabling caching for a query
result = Query(MyModel, session).options(NoCache()).first()

‘NoCache()’ is a placeholder for a potential option controlling the cache behavior where cached results aren’t used.

Creating Own Caching Layer

For full control and fine-tuned performance, you might consider implementing your caching layer. This involves a combination of event listeners, manual cache set/get operations, and potentially a middleware that handles cache logic before hitting the SQLAlchemy layer.

# Custom cache set and get example (simplified)
class MyCache:
    def __init__(self): = {}

    def get(self, key):

    def set(self, key, value):[key] = value

# Usage in SQLAlchemy operation
my_cache = MyCache()
cache_key = 'unique_identifier'
data = my_cache.get(cache_key)
if data is None:
    data = session.query(MyModel).first()
    my_cache.set(cache_key, data)

Note that a robust solution would handle expiration, data serialization, shared resources across a multi-threaded environment, etc.

Caveats and Pitfalls

While caching can provide performance boosts, one needs to be aware of synchronization issues and resulting stale data. There’s also the trade-off in terms of increased complexity and potential use of outdated information, which needs to be assessed for each scenario.


In conclusion, enabling and disabling caching in SQLAlchemy involves understanding external libraries, middleware patterns, and accurately assessing use-cases for caching. Effectively using caching strategies can boost performance considerably, but developers should proceed with careful consideration of potential pitfalls such as data coherence and cache invalidation.