How to count rows in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy offers a powerful and flexible approach to operate with databases in Python. Counting rows is a fundamental task and this tutorial covers methods to efficiently accomplish it using SQLAlchemy’s expressive syntax.

Basic Count with SQLAlchemy

First, you need to understand how to perform a simple count operation using SQLAlchemy. Let’s start with counting all rows in a table. Assume you have a model User, you can count all users with:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from yourapplication import User

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///example.db')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

user_count = session.query(func.count(
print(f'Total number of users: {user_count}')

Always remember to replace 'sqlite:///example.db' with your actual database URI and 'yourapplication' with the actual module where your User class is defined.

Filtering Rows Before Counting

Now, if you want to count the number of users matching certain criteria:

active_users_count = session.query(func.count( == True).scalar()
print(f'Number of active users: {active_users_count}')

Counting Distinct Values

Sometimes, you are interested in counting distinct values. For example, to count how many different countries your users are from:

distinct_countries_count = session.query(func.count(distinct(
print(f'Number of countries with users: {distinct_countries_count}')

Advanced Usage: Joins and Group By

When working with related tables, you might need to count rows based on a join:

from yourapplication import Order
joins_count = session.query(func.count( == True).scalar()
print(f'Number of users with paid orders: {joins_count}')

If you want to group the counts by certain criteria, you can use the group_by:

grouped_count = session.query(, func.count(
for country, count in grouped_count:
    print(f'{country}: {count}')

Performance Implications

Counting rows may have performance implications, especially on large datasets. Indexing your database properly and using filters or specific columns to count on can optimize performance.

Using Subqueries

In more complex scenarios, you might benefit from using subqueries to count rows:

from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
subq = session.query(, func.count('user_count')).group_by(
alias = aliased(subq, name='alias')
result = session.query(, alias.c.user_count).all()

Utilizing Hybrid Properties

With SQLAlchemy’s hybrid properties, you can create expressions that compute values based on database fields and use these in your count queries.


Counting rows in SQLAlchemy is a versatile process that can range from simple to complex depending on the task. Remember that understanding your data model and how SQLAlchemy interacts with your database will guide you to write efficient queries tailored to your data needs.