JavaScript: How to Identify Mode(s) of an Array (3 Approaches)

Updated: February 19, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Identifying the mode of an array, which refers to the element(s) that appear most frequently, is a common task in data analysis and statistics. In JavaScript, we can implement several solutions to find the mode(s). This guide will cover different approaches, including their implementation steps, complete code examples, performance considerations, and other important notes.

Approach #1 – Basic Frequency Count

The basic frequency count technique involves iterating over an array to count the frequency of each element, then identifying the element(s) with the highest frequency. This method is simple and intuitive.

  1. Create an object to hold the frequency of each element.
  2. Loop through the array, updating the frequency count for each element.
  3. Find the maximum frequency.
  4. Filter the elements that match the maximum frequency.


const findModes = (arr) => {
  const frequency = {};
  arr.forEach(item => {
    frequency[item] = (frequency[item] || 0) + 1;
  const maxFrequency = Math.max(...Object.values(frequency));
  const modes = Object.keys(frequency).filter(key => frequency[key] === maxFrequency);
  return modes;
console.log(findModes([3, 5, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3])); // Outputs: ['3']

Notes: This method is straightforward and works well for arrays with primitive values. However, its performance might degrade with very large arrays due to the use of iteration and filtering operations.

Approach #2 – Map Object Technique

The Map object approach uses JavaScript’s built-in Map object for a more efficient frequency count, particularly with non-primitive values, due to its better key comparison algorithm.

  1. Initialize a new Map object to hold the frequency of each element.
  2. Loop through the array, incrementing the count for each element in the Map.
  3. Identify the maximum frequency and modes similarly to the first solution.


const findModesMap = (arr) => {
  const frequencyMap = new Map();
  arr.forEach(item => {
    frequencyMap.set(item, (frequencyMap.get(item) || 0) + 1);
  const maxFrequency = Math.max(...frequencyMap.values());
  const modes = [...frequencyMap.keys()].filter(key => frequencyMap.get(key) === maxFrequency);
  return modes;
console.log(findModesMap([3, 5, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3])); // Outputs: ['3']

Notes: The Map object provides an efficient way to count frequencies, especially for arrays containing non-primitive values. However, this approach might be slightly more complex to understand for beginners.

Approach #3 – Reduce and Filter Combined

\This solution takes advantage of the reduce method to construct the frequency object, and filter to extract the modes. It’s a more functional programming approach to solving the problem.

  1. Use the reduce function to create an object mapping each element to its frequency.
  2. Find the maximum frequency in a similar manner as the previous solutions.
  3. Use the filter method to find all elements that match the maximum frequency.


const findModesReduceFilter = (arr) => {
  const frequency = arr.reduce((acc, item) => {
    acc[item] = (acc[item] || 0) + 1;
    return acc;
  }, {});
  const maxFrequency = Math.max(...Object.values(frequency));
  const modes = Object.keys(frequency).filter(key => frequency[key] === maxFrequency);
  return modes;
console.log(findModesReduceFilter([3, 5, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3])); // Outputs: ['3']

Notes: This approach is elegant and utilizes JavaScript’s array methods effectively. It might, however, be less intuitive for those not familiar with functional programming concepts.


Identifying the mode(s) of an array in JavaScript can be achieved through various methods, each with its advantages and considerations. Basic frequency count is the most straightforward but might suffer performance issues with large datasets. The Map object and reduce/filter approaches offer more sophisticated solutions that handle non-primitive values more efficiently and embrace functional programming paradigms, respectively. Ultimately, the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the task, including performance considerations and the nature of the array’s elements.