How to perform cascade deletion in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing relational data in non-relational databases like MongoDB requires a nuanced approach, especially when it comes to operations such as cascade deletion. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the concept of cascade deletion, its significance, and how to implement it in MongoDB, along with practical examples. Whether you’re a novice looking to get a handle on MongoDB operations or an intermediate seeking to refine your data management techniques, this guide will provide helpful insights and practical advice.

Understanding Cascade Deletion

Cascade deletion refers to the process of automatically deleting all related data points when a parent data point is deleted. This ensures data integrity and prevents orphaned records, which can lead to discrepancies and errors.

In relational databases, cascade deletion is often set at the database schema level through foreign key constraints. However, because MongoDB is a NoSQL database, it does not support foreign keys or built-in cascade operations. Thus, implementing cascade deletion in MongoDB requires a more manual approach.

When to Use Cascade Deletion

Before diving into how to implement cascade deletion, it’s essential to understand when it’s appropriate to use. Consider cascade deletion in scenarios where:

  • There’s a strong dependency between collections.
  • Orphaned documents could lead to issues.
  • You want to maintain data integrity across collections.

Implementing Cascade Deletion in MongoDB

Implementing cascade deletion in MongoDB involves manually ensuring that related documents are deleted either before or after the parent document is deleted. This can be achieved through application logic or MongoDB’s own features such as database triggers.

Method 1: Application Logic

One way to implement cascade deletion is through your application’s business logic. This involves writing functions that explicitly handle the deletion of related documents. Here’s an example using Node.js and Mongoose:

const Parent = require('./models/Parent');
const Child = require('./models/Child');

async function deleteParentAndChildren(parentId) {
  await Child.deleteMany({ parent: parentId });
  await Parent.findByIdAndDelete(parentId);

This function first deletes all child documents related to the parent document, and then it deletes the parent document itself. Replace Parent and Child with your specific model names.

Method 2: MongoDB Triggers (Change Streams)

MongoDB supports Change Streams, which allow applications to react to data changes in real-time. You can use change streams to watch for delete operations on a collection and trigger the deletion of related documents. Here’s how to set up a change stream for cascading deletions:

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

async function setupCascadeDeleteTrigger() {
  const client = new MongoClient('your_mongodb_uri');
  await client.connect();
  const database = client.db('your_database_name');
  const parentCollection = database.collection('Parents');
  const childCollection = database.collection('Children');
  const changeStream =[
    { $match: { 'operationType': 'delete' } }

  changeStream.on('change', next => {
    childCollection.deleteMany({ parent: next.documentKey._id });

This code sets up a change stream on the Parents collection and listens for delete operations. When a parent document is deleted, it triggers the deletion of all corresponding child documents. It’s important to handle errors and edge cases in a production environment.


While MongoDB doesn’t natively support cascade deletion like relational databases, there are effective methods to achieve similar functionality. By incorporating cascade deletion through either application logic or MongoDB’s change streams, you can maintain data integrity and ensure your database doesn’t retain unwanted or orphaned documents. Ultimately, the choice between these methods will depend on your specific requirements and the architectures of your application.

Remember, cascade deletion is a powerful tool, but with great power comes the need for careful consideration. Always assess whether cascade deletion is necessary for your use case and ensure its implementation doesn’t inadvertently remove valuable information.