MongoDB: How to specify which fields to return in a query (projection)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Working with MongoDB involves not just storing data, but also efficiently retrieving it. One of the powerful features MongoDB offers is the ability to control which fields are returned in your query results, known as projection. This capability can significantly optimize both the performance of your queries and the network bandwidth usage by limiting the amount of data transferred. In this tutorial, we’ll dive deep into the concept of projection in MongoDB, laying out various ways to use it effectively with multiple examples. By the end, you should have a strong grasp of using projection in MongoDB to fine-tune your data retrieval processes.

Understanding Projection in MongoDB

In MongoDB, a projection is a way of specifying which fields you would like to include or exclude in the results returned from a query. This is extremely beneficial when you have documents with numerous fields but only need a few of them for your specific operation. Executing projections in MongoDB can be carried out by passing an additional parameter in the find() query that details which fields to include or exclude.

Basic Projection: Including Specific Fields

To include specific fields in your query results, you assign them a value of 1 in your projection parameter. Here’s a basic example:

db.collection.find({}, { name: 1, age: 1 })

This query will return only the name and age fields from all documents in the collection. Remember, the _id field is included by default unless explicitly excluded.

Excluding Fields

Conversely, to exclude certain fields from your query results, set those fields to 0 in the projection parameter. Here’s how:

db.collection.find({}, { name: 0 })

This ensures that all fields except the name field are returned. It’s a helpful approach when you want almost all data but need to hide specific sensitive information.

Combining Inclusions and Exclusions

It’s important to note that you cannot mix inclusions and exclusions in a single projection, except for the case of the _id field. Attempting to do so will result in an error. To illustrate, the following will not work:

db.collection.find({}, { name: 1, age: 0 })

This is because including a field explicitly (setting to 1) and excluding another (setting to 0) in the same projection is not allowed.

Projection Operators

MongoDB also offers projection operators that allow for more sophisticated data retrieval operations, such as $slice, $elemMatch, and showing only a specified number of elements in an array. Let’s explore these with examples.


The $slice operator helps in returning a specific subset of an array. For instance, if you only need the first 3 items of an array field:

db.collection.find({}, { arrayField: { $slice: 3 } })

This is incredibly useful for fetching a finite number of recent activities or comments without loading an entire array.


The $elemMatch operator allows you to specify criteria to select an array element that matches certain conditions:

  { arrayField: { $elemMatch: { key: value } } },
  { arrayField: 1 }

It’s an elegant way to extract specific array elements that meet your desired criteria without fetching the entire array.

Advanced Projections

For more advanced use cases, you can perform projections that involve conditional logic ($ operator) or project new computed fields using MongoDB’s aggregation framework. However, those topics are comprehensive enough to warrant a dedicated guide. For now, understand that MongoDB’s projection capabilities extend far beyond simple include/exclude mechanics, empowering developers to retrieve precisely what they need.

// MongoDB aggregation pipeline demonstrating conditional logic and computed fields

    $project: {
      _id: 0, // Exclude this field
      itemName: 1, // Include this field
      // Conditional logic to project a new 'status' field
      status: {
        $cond: { if: { $gte: ["$quantity", 100] }, then: "In Stock", else: "Out of Stock" }
      // Compute a new field 'totalValue' as the product of 'quantity' and 'unitPrice'
      totalValue: {
        $multiply: ["$quantity", "$unitPrice"]


In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics of MongoDB’s projection feature, including how to include or exclude fields in your query results, and explored more advanced projection operators ($slice and $elemMatch). Using these techniques wisely will let you fine-tune your data retrieval in MongoDB, leading to more efficient applications. As you become more familiar with MongoDB, consider diving deeper into its advanced projection capabilities for even more refined data control.