MongoDB createdAt and updatedAt fields: A practical guide (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with dates in a database can be a crucial aspect of an application, especially when you want to keep track of when data is created and modified. MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, has capabilities that can help in this area, although it may not be immediately clear to beginners how to implement these features.

Understanding the Basics

In MongoDB, there is no built-in functionality for createdAt and updatedAt fields that you would find in some other databases or ORMs. Nevertheless, you can achieve similar functionality by using MongoDB’s schema validation feature or by leveraging Mongoose if you’re working in a Node.js environment.

Using MongoDB Shell

Let’s start with an example to create a collection that automatically adds createdAt and updatedAt fields when you insert a document. Unfortunately, MongoDB by itself doesn’t add timestamps, so you must manually insert the date values when you create or update documents.

   name: 'Coffee Mug',
   price: 12.99,
   createdAt: new Date(),
   updatedAt: new Date()

Note that you’ve had to manually add the date by calling new Date(). It’s straightforward but can become cumbersome and error-prone as the application grows.

Using MongoDB inbuilt operators

You can use inbuilt MongoDB operators like $currentDate to automatically set the date for updatedAt on update operations.

   { _id: ObjectId('...') },
     $set: { name: 'New Coffee Mug' },
     $currentDate: { updatedAt: true }

However, this requires you to remember to add $currentDate each time you perform an update operation.

Using Mongoose for Time Stamps

Mongoose, an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js, provides a more robust solution for handling createdAt and updatedAt fields. Let’s see how we can utilize Mongoose to streamline this process.

Enabling Timestamps in Mongoose Schema

 const mongoose = require('mongoose');

 const ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   name: {
     type: String,
     required: true
   price: {
     type: Number,
     required: true
 }, { timestamps: true });
 const Product = mongoose.model('Product', ProductSchema);

By simply adding `{ timestamps: true }` to your schema options, Mongoose automatically adds createdAt and updatedAt fields to your documents. These fields are automatically managed by Mongoose, so you don’t have to do anything extra when you create or update documents.

Advanced Usage

For more control over the naming of your timestamp fields or additional options, you can pass an options object to the timestamps configuration.

 const ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   name: {
     type: String,
     required: true
   price: {
     type: Number,
     required: true
 }, {
   timestamps: { createdAt: 'created_at', updatedAt: 'updated_at' }

Mongoose also allows for pre and post middlewares which can be used to run custom logic before or after certain actions, such as saving a document. This could be used to further manage timestamps in a more granular way.

Common Problems and Solutions

Let’s address some common issues you might face when dealing with timestamps.

Time Zone Issues

MongoDB stores dates in UTC by default. It’s important to be mindful of time zones when storing and retrieving dates, especially if your application users are spread across different time zones. In such cases, you should convert the dates to the user’s local time zone in your application logic.

Querying Date Ranges

Using MongoDB’s built-in query operators, you can fetch documents based on date ranges which can be useful for reports or analytics purposes.

   createdAt: {
     $gte: new Date('2023-01-01'),
     $lt: new Date('2023-02-01')

This query will return all documents that were created in January 2023, taking advantage of the $gte (greater than or equal to) and $lt (less than) operators.

Error Handling

When working with dates, it’s important to handle potential errors appropriately. Make sure your application logic accounts for various date-related issues, such as incorrect date formats, null values, or time zone discrepancies.

MongoDB Compass and Robo 3T

Tools like MongoDB Compass and Robo 3T offer user-friendly interfaces for working with your MongoDB collections, including features for inserting, reading, updating, and deleting documents. However, they don’t inherently solve the timestamp issue. You would still need to follow the practices outlined above, using either the native MongoDB operators or by employing a tool like Mongoose when working with Node.js applications.


In conclusion, managing createdAt and updatedAt fields in MongoDB can range from manual entry of date values to automated solutions with Mongoose. Understanding how to properly handle timestamps will ensure your MongoDB documents maintain accurate historical data, which is invaluable for tracking changes and maintaining the integrity of your application’s data.