MongoDB: Excluding sensitive fields from query results (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, offers a powerful query language to retrieve documents from a collection. However, when dealing with sensitive or unnecessary data, it may be best to exclude certain fields from the results. This tutorial will guide you through the process of excluding fields from your MongoDB queries, enhancing security and reducing network overhead.

Understanding Projection in MongoDB

The concept of projection in MongoDB allows specification of which fields should be included or excluded in the result set of a query. This is done by passing a projection document to the find() method. A value of 1 includes the field, while 0 excludes it.

Basic Projection Use

db.collection.find({}, { 'fieldName': 0 })

The above query excludes ‘fieldName’ from all documents in the ‘collection’. Below is an output example minus the ‘fieldName’:

  "_id": ObjectId("507f191e810c19729de860ea"),
  "name": "John Doe",
  // 'fieldName' is excluded

Excluding Multiple Fields

db.collection.find({}, { 'password': 0, 'ssn': 0 })

This excludes both ‘password’ and ‘ssn’ fields from the results, crucial for protecting sensitive user data.

Excluding Fields in Embedded Documents

If your data structure involves embedded documents, excluding fields works similarly, but requires dot notation:

db.collection.find({}, { 'address.street': 0 })

The above would exclude the ‘street’ field, which is part of the embedded ‘address’ document.

Understanding Query with Projection

Using projection doesn’t change the way we query documents. You can combine a query selector with projection:

db.collection.find({ 'isActive': true }, { 'password': 0, 'ssn': 0 })

This returns only active users while excluding their ‘password’ and ‘ssn’.

Advanced Projection: Conditional Exclusions

MongoDB allows conditional projections using aggregation. Here’s an example to exclude a field based on a condition:

    $project: {
      fieldToExclude: {
        $cond: { if: { condition }, then: "$fieldToExclude", else: ""}
      fieldTwo: 1,
      fieldThree: 1

In the above aggregation pipeline, the ‘fieldToExclude’ is conditionally excluded based on ‘condition’.

Excluding Fields in Updates

Excluding fields can also apply to update operations with the $unset operator. Here’s how to remove a field:

db.collection.update({}, { $unset: { 'fieldName': "" } })

Note that the $unset operator effectively removes the field from documents.

Implications and Best Practices

Excluding fields can greatly benefit performance, security and cost efficiency, especially with large data sets. However, it should not be used as the only form of data security.

Best practices include:

  • Always exclude sensitive information like passwords or personal identifiers.
  • Use projection in combination with robust access controls and encryption.
  • Know your data and exclude unnecessary fields to reduce network load and speed up queries.


Including only the necessary fields in your query results via exclusion can optimize your MongoDB operations significantly. By following the examples and strategies discussed in this tutorial, you can retrieve data more securely and efficiently.