Many-to-Many Relations in MongoDB: The Complete Guide (with Examples)

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Fundamentals

In relational databases, configuring many-to-many relationships between tables is a well-understood concept, involving a junction or join table. However, in document-based NoSQL databases like MongoDB, these relationships can be represented in various ways depending on the use cases and performance considerations. This guide will take you through understanding many-to-many relationships in MongoDB, the importance of modeling them appropriately, and provide practical examples to help you master this concept.

Understanding Many-to-Many Relationships

In a many-to-many relationship, multiple records in a collection (similar to a table in SQL) can be associated with multiple records in another collection. For example, consider an e-commerce platform where each product can belong to multiple categories, and each category can include multiple products. In a relational model, we would have a Products table, a Categories table, and a join table (e.g., ProductCategories) linking the two.

Modeling Many-to-Many Relationships in MongoDB

There are several ways to implement many-to-many relationships in MongoDB:

  • Embedded Documents: You can embed an array of documents representing the related items directly within a parent document.
  • Reference Ids: You can store an array of reference ObjectIDs in a document pointing to related documents in another collection.
  • Hybrid Approach: A combination of the above two methods where some information is embedded, and more detailed data is referenced via ObjectIDs.

Embedded Documents Example

This approach denormalizes the related data and embeds it directly into the document. This method is typically very fast for read operations since all related data can be retrieved in a single query. However, it can be challenging to maintain as updates require changes to all documents storing the embedded information.

  '_id': ObjectId('...'),
  'name': 'Product A',
  'categories': [
    {'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'name': 'Electronics'},
    {'_id': ObjectId('...'), 'name': 'Accessories'}

Reference Ids Example

Another approach is to store ObjectIDs that reference documents in another collection. This requires a separate query to retrieve the related documents but makes updates simpler because you only need to update the references. It also stores less redundant data.

  '_id': ObjectId('...'),
  'name': 'Product A',
  'category_ids': [ObjectId('...'), ObjectId('...')]

Sample Application Scenario

Let’s build out a sample many-to-many relationship using both embedded documents and reference ObjectIDs to manage products and categories.

Using Embedded Documents

We begin by setting up the environment and MongoDB client:

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const client = new MongoClient(uri);

async function main() {
    try {
        await client.connect();
        console.log('Connected to MongoDB');

        // Work with many-to-many relationships here

    } finally {
        await client.close();


We then insert products with embedded categories into the ‘products’ collection:

const productsCollection = client.db('ecommerce').collection('products');

// Insert a new product with embedded categories
await productsCollection.insertOne({
    name: 'Product A',
    categories: [
        { id: 'electronics', name: 'Electronics' },
        { id: 'accessories', name: 'Accessories' }

Using Reference ObjectIDs

In this approach, we maintain separate collections and link them through reference IDs:

const categoriesCollection = client.db('ecommerce').collection('categories');

// Assume categories have been inserted:
// { _id: ObjectId('...'), name: 'Electronics' }
// { _id: ObjectId('...'), name: 'Accessories' }

// Now, insert a product with references to category ObjectIDs
await productsCollection.insertOne({
    name: 'Product A',
    category_ids: [ObjectId('...'), ObjectId('...')]

Querying Related Data

To read related data in these designs, we use different strategies:

Embedded Documents

With embedded documents, we can simply find the product, and the related categories are immediately available:

const product = await productsCollection.findOne({ name: 'Product A' });

Reference ObjectIDs

When using Reference ObjectIDs, we need to perform an additional query or use aggregation to ‘join’ the data:

// Using aggregation's $lookup
const productsWithCategories = await productsCollection.aggregate([
        $lookup: {
            from: 'categories',
            localField: 'category_ids',
            foreignField: '_id',
            as: 'categories'


When to Use Each Method

The choice between the embedded documents or reference IDs approach depends on factors such as the size and frequency of updates to related data, as well as the queries your application needs to perform. If read performance is critical and related data updates are infrequent, embed data for faster reads at the expense of more complex updates. If the related data is extensive and frequently updated, use reference IDs to avoid redundancy, knowing that reads will require a bit more work.

Best Practices

Consider following best practices when modeling many-to-many relationships in MongoDB:

  • Understand the nature and usage patterns of your data.
  • Plan for how data will evolve over time.
  • Evaluate the trade-offs between the efficiency of reads and writes.
  • Maintain data integrity during updates.
  • Use indexing to improve performance on common queries.
  • Always test your schema design under load to see how it performs in real-world conditions.


In this guide, we explored how to model and work with many-to-many relationships in MongoDB, complete with practical examples and best practices. Remember that MongoDB offers a flexible schema, which can be very powerful when used correctly. It is crucial to carefully design your data model based on your specific application’s access patterns and ensure that you are familiar with the operations that MongoDB provides for working with related data, such as $lookup in aggregation for performing ‘joins.’

Whether you decide to use embedded documents or reference ObjectIDs, remember to continuously review and potentially refactor your schemas to optimize performance and maintainability as your application evolves.