MongoDB Error – InvalidBSON: bad type in bson parser

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The InvalidBSON: bad type in bson parser error in MongoDB is a common issue developers encounter when working with BSON data formats. BSON, or Binary JSON, is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents that MongoDB uses to store documents and communicate between the database and its clients. This error typically occurs when MongoDB encounters an unrecognized type or corrupt data during the parsing process. Understanding the causes and implementing effective solutions can help address this problem, ensuring smooth application functionality and data integrity.

Causes & Solutions

Let’s walkthrough common causes and the solutions for the error.

Corrupt BSON Files

In some cases, the error may be the result of corrupt BSON files within the MongoDB database. MongoDB provides tools to repair and recover data from these files, potentially resolving the error.


  1. Stop the MongoDB server to prevent further damage or data inconsistencies.
  2. Back up your database files as a precautionary measure.
  3. Use the mongod utility with the --repair option to attempt to repair the database files.
  4. Restart the MongoDB server and check if the issue persists.


mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair


repairing databases

Notes: This solution can lead to data loss as a side effect of the repair process. It’s advisable to use it as a last resort and ensure that backups are taken before proceeding.

Misinterpreted Data Types

Some programming languages or libraries might automatically convert data types in ways that are incompatible with BSON specifications. Manually ensuring the correct data types before insertion can help prevent errors.


  1. Identify fields prone to automatic type conversion.
  2. Explicitly set the correct BSON data types in your code.
  3. Convert data as necessary before saving it to the database.

Example: Assuming a document with an integer field that’s being incorrectly saved as a string:

  'numberField': parseInt('123', 10)


WriteResult({ 'nInserted' : 1 })

Notes: While this approach can prevent parsing errors, it requires careful codereview and ongoing maintenance to ensure all data types are correctly handled.

Invalid Data Format

Ensuring data meets the BSON specification before insertion can prevent this error. BSON supports a limited set of types, and inserting data that doesn’t comply with these types can lead to parsing errors. Validation includes checking data types, sizes, and structures against BSON standards.


  1. Review BSON documentation to understand supported types and restrictions.
  2. Use schema validation tools or libraries specific to your development environment to validate data structures and types.
  3. Apply validation checks before inserting or updating documents in MongoDB.

Notes: This solution helps maintain data integrity and prevent insertion of invalid documents, but it requires additional development effort to implement appropriate validation processes.